
Seasons change and do you change?

The wheel of the seasons is turning, winter is ending and so we will have the opportunity to experience spring. At this time of year, nature becomes even more beautiful, wearing beautiful flowers of the most varied colors, intense and different perfumes. Spreading joy and color, happy for those who are awake to accept, feel and live this new phase, spring.

Seasons change, life changes. You have to appreciate the moment, live the here and now, learn to enjoy what is happening. In winter, when it's colder, there's no point in lamenting saying, "it could" be hotter. No, it couldn't. Is cold. Learn to like the cold that is happening, don't be stagnant in the same climate, in the same season.

Accept the changes, just like the seasons, things change, life is a flow, let go of what you can't hold and accept the new phase, enjoy it.


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Stop straining to hold on to the spinning wheel. Watch a flower opening in the morning, what a grace. There is no effort, the flower simply moves according to nature. The flower opens to life, even if the weather changes, sometimes it is hot, sometimes it is cold, sometimes the rain falls, and there is the flower, growing with the changes, without complaining that it โ€œshouldโ€ be warm at that moment.

Look at your life, how many things that happened years ago and you are still trying to hold on to them. He's still complaining that they "should" have been different than they were. Complaining that yourself or others โ€œcouldโ€ have done differently than they did. Realize that acting in this way, you are stagnant, stuck in the past, interrupting your flow towards the new.

Just like nature that transforms with each new season, transform yourself too, accept the changes, flow more easily, be part of the beautiful spring garden, Quantum Kinesiology can help you to bloom.

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