Spiritualist films that will make you feel and think

    Spiritualist films that will make you feel and think

    Is what exists just what we see? The movies listed below contain spiritual content, which will make you feel and think about the meaning of existence and if there is life after death. Check out:

    • Heaven is for real (2014)

    The movie 'The sky is for real' was adapted for the small screen in 2014, since four years earlier, the book was a sales success and considered a true best seller.

    The story narrates the journey of a boy, just three years old, to heaven, after a near-death experience. Everything happens when Colton, our little protagonist, was rushed to the hospital because of an appendicitis crisis.

    After that, the boy went on to describe events and people that it seemed impossible for him to be aware of. The boy also narrated the encounter he had with Jesus, in which he mounted a colorful horse and sat on the lap of the son of God, while the angels sang songs for him.

    A variety of Christians have voiced criticism or concern about the content and message of the book and film, as well as the lack of any medical evidence that the boy was clinically dead during surgery.

    • The others (2001)


    The movie 'The Others', which stars Nicole Kidman in the role of Gace Stewart, takes place during the Second World War. The film tells the story of a devoted mother who decides to move into a completely isolated mansion, along with her two young children, until her husband returns from the battlefield.

    However, the two children have a rare condition that prevents them from being exposed to sunlight, known as photosensitivity. Therefore, they live under complex rules, for example, never open the next door without having closed the previous one. But one day, the kids break this rule, and strange things start to happen in the mansion.

    • My Life in the Hereafter (2006)


    The film 'My Life in the Hereafter' portrays with great logic and fidelity a subject that interests millions of people around the world and which is still the subject of much curiosity: reincarnation.

    Based on the autobiographical book by journalist Jenny Cockell, the film deals with life, death and family conflicts. Jenny lives in the USA, but throughout her life she had memories, dreams and visions that told the story of Mary, who had died 21 years before her birth, and which would have been her last reincarnation.

    Mary lived in Ireland and died of complications from the birth of one of her children, during the 30's. From that moment on, Jenny looked for her children from 'yesterday' (now elderly). But, according to the author herself, it took a lot of courage to go after those memories.

    The film is a true lesson in love and brings out all the logic of what we understand by reincarnation in a simple, clear and objective way.

    • Ghost across the life

    The movie 'Ghost – On the Other Side of Life' was a great success in cinema and to this day much is said about it. It narrates the great love story between Sam and Molly, played by Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore.

    Sam ends up dying during a robbery and is given the opportunity to go to heaven. However, he chooses to stay on earth in order to protect his beloved. To facilitate contact, he uses the intermediary of a false medium, played by Whoopi Goldberg.

    • The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2004)

    The movie 'The Five People You Meet in Heaven' tells the story of Eddie, an 83-year-old man who works at an amusement park as a mechanic. Eddie continued normally with his chores and his routine, until the day he died, a victim of an accident in the park, right on his birthday.

    When he gets to heaven, he relives his life through five people. Some he got to know and others he had no idea who they were, but in a way they were connected to his life.

    Each of the five people goes on to relive, together with Eddie, a passage of life in which they met, ending old hurts, solving mysteries or reliving loves. It's then that Eddie realizes that death is just the beginning and that each of our lives connects to different people in ways we don't always understand.

    • The Mystery of the Dragonfly (2002)

    The film starring Kevin Costner tells the story of a young doctor, Joe Darrow, who has just been widowed. He comes to believe that his recently deceased wife is trying to communicate with him, using his former patients who were on the verge of death, many of them children. Dragonflies also start chasing Joe in strange ways.

    • A Look from Paradise (2009)


    The protagonist of this story was murdered in a cruel and brutal way, at only 14 years old. But despite her passing, Susie Salmon was still worried about her family. To solve the problem, she must learn to deal with different feelings: the desire to see that her family has overcome her death to finally move on and the incessant desire for revenge against her cruel killer.

    • If I Stay (2014)

    The movie 'If I stay' brings Mia as the protagonist and narrator of the story. While she enjoys classical music, her parents, her little brother and even her boyfriend are rockers. She feels like a fish out of water.

    What was supposed to be just a simple car ride turns out to be a real nightmare. When the car collides head-on with another, Mia isn't sure what happened, until she sees her own body lying on the side of the road.

    So the whole story unfolds when the young girl is in a coma in the hospital. But despite this, she can hear everything and starts to re-read her past so that she can find reasons to continue living.

    Text written by FlΓ‘via Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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