I love you but...

    Caetano Veloso already defended in one of his songs that “when we love, of course we take care” and I totally agree. Unfortunately, nowadays, in the same way that Instagram has trivialized photography, Facebook has made writing and Youtube has made music/cinema, love has been transformed into a “vintage” item that everyone has in their wardrobe, however, they are unaware of its meaning. real meaning.

    How many times do we need to hear not only directed at us, but among other people phrases like “I love you, but I can’t do anything about it”, “I love you, but I don’t want to know you deeply”, “ …but I'm not interested in knowing how you feel” and even if I try to repeat all the contradictions of human life, I wouldn't end without using ellipsis. How far do you want to go in such a relationship? In the posts of photos together smiling on social networks, only.

    I think love is too vast a feeling to become like that, so easy to feel all the time. People think that getting to know each other is seeing them two or three times a week, working or studying together, and that alone is enough to know what they feel, live or admire. They confuse the act of "sympathizing" with someone because they have certain affinities with loving the person, but I'm sorry to say: wrong!

    I believe that only coexistence and the boredom of everyday life are able to reflect our real feelings for other people. How many couples end up being in love after just a month of dating and get married? Not even six months later, the crises begin, which we know are just the definition of “falling off the masks” of passion and the lack of true love.

    In order to love it is not necessary to hold on to the eyes of the society of physical proximity. Having a love doesn't mean holding hands with someone or hugging those you call friends, but it exists in yourself by looking at your image in the mirror and feeling appreciation for what you visualize not physically, but inwardly. Because as much as it is synonymous with bitterness to admit, it is only you that you can carry in the luggage of your own existence and dedicating your life seeking love in others will only contribute to the permanence of the void in your soul.

    I love you but...

    Human relationships are based on mutual interests, and because of the lack that we nourish, we believe in the illusion that we are loved when we are told this, but words are like seeds that need action to become fruit, and whenever someone says beautiful phrases to you, it is in the acts, responsible for proving the existence of the honesty of what was declared, that we must focus all our attention.

    If someone loves you, they won't say "more" after declaring himself, because he accepted the torture and delight of contemplating all the parts that make up his being. So, if, however, however, nevertheless, nevertheless, nevertheless, notwithstanding and any adversative coordinating conjunction causes that contradiction between what is said and what is done, trust the message that your own instincts transmit and allow time to demonstrate the truth of the facts. , showing the true face through the poetic staging of a considered friend or candidate for love. Never forget that we are only looking for what we still lack.

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