spiritual films

Almost everyone is constantly inspired by movies, and they can influence the way we think, dress, love, dream and even eat. After all, life imitates art, and more and more we seek to look like the characters we admire on the small screen.

In addition, movies can also be a great source of learning. With them we learn some parts of the history of humanity, we reflect on our relationships and attitudes, in addition to acquiring knowledge about other cultures – if we choose films from other countries.

Looking from this perspective, for those who are following their journeys of self-knowledge and awakening of consciousness, there are films with spiritual messages capable of adding valuable information to our learning.

With that in mind, we have separated 11 spiritualist films to inspire you and add even more knowledge to your evolutionary journey. So let's go!

Before the day is over – Gil Junger (2004)

A happy, passionate couple – played by Paul Nicholls and Jennifer Love Hewitt – is full of plans for the future. The woman is very affectionate towards her partner, but he is more dedicated to his career and friends than to the relationship. One day, they decide to end their relationship, but an accident changes their lives completely. The next day, the man realizes that he woke up again the day before, and now he has a chance to do it all over again, and the right way.

The film brings an incredible insight into the attitudes we take in the present, because not everyone has the chance to go back to the day before to adjust the mistakes they made, right?

The Five People You Meet in Heaven – Lloyd Kramer (2006)

spiritual films
Disclosure / The five people you meet in heaven

Eddie (Jon Voight) was a man who grew up in the midst of wars, hard work and a strict upbringing. On the day he turned 83, he had an accident at the amusement park he had worked his whole life, and when he woke up, he realized that he had lived a meaningless existence. However, he was visited by five people while he was hospitalized – some known and some not – whose lives were linked to his. Each of these people talks to Eddie about a time in their lives, revisiting the past, resolving old hurts and reliving loves.
This experience shows Eddie – and viewers – how much our lives are intertwined with thousands of people without us even realizing it.

A Look at Heaven – Peter Jackson (2009)

spiritual films
Disclosure / A look from paradise

Susie Salmon (Saoirse Ronan) is brutally murdered at age 14, but her spirit remains preoccupied with taking care of her family, which leaves her trapped between heaven and hell. Throughout the plot, Susie has to deal with a paradox of feelings: the desire to get revenge on the murderer and the desire to see her family move on with life and overcome her death.

This is one of the spiritualist films that can provide viewers with deep reflections on life after death, and even on the resolution of difficult issues that link us to the past.

Love Beyond Life – Vincent Ward (1998)

This heartwarming film tells the story of Chris Nielsen (Robin Williams), who goes to “heaven” after his death. He lives happily in his new home, until he finds out that his wife, Annie (Annabella Sciorra), couldn't stand the pain of being alone and killed herself. Being suicidal, she is sent to an obscure location, and would not be able to recognize her husband if she found him. However, Chris does not give up on his beloved and helps her on this journey.

The story, in addition to bringing the idea of ​​life after death, also brings profound lessons about true love and forgiveness. A beautiful request for the romantics on duty.

Hidden Beauty – David Frankel (2016)

Played by Will Smith, Howard goes into depression after losing his daughter, and starts writing letters to Death, Time and Love, something that worries his friends, because, in addition to the apparent sadness, he also gives up his job. However, something that seems impossible becomes reality when Death, Time and Love decide to answer Howard's calls, and so try to teach him the value of life.

This movie is enough to bring tears to even the hardest of hearts. With an important reflection on the value of life and on overcoming the heaviest traumas, “Hidden Beauty” brings important learnings to those who watch the plot.

A cabana – Stuart Hazeldine (2017)

Mack (Sam Worthington) is tormented after losing his youngest daughter on a trip. Her body was never found, but there are signs that she was murdered and raped in a cabin in the mountains. Years after the event, he receives a mysterious call to return to this place and, even reluctantly, goes to the cabin and ends up coming across something unexpected.

Among the list of spiritual films, this is the best for those who need to learn to forgive. Although this act can be considered one of the most difficult things for a human being, especially when it comes to something as profound as the death of a daughter, the movie “The Cabin” makes us reflect on human nature and the importance of forgiveness.

My Life in the Hereafter – Marcus Cole (2006)

Based on events reported in Jenny Cockel's autobiographical book, the film tells the story of Jenny (Jane Seymour), an American woman who has visions, dreams and memories of her last incarnation as Mary, an Irish woman who passed away in the 1930s. XNUMX. Intrigued by the visions, Jenny sets out in search of her past-life children, and it sets her on an exciting journey.
This work was the first to faithfully portray reincarnation, a theme that arouses interest in curious people from all over the world. In addition to being emotional, the film also makes us think about how some connections can be maintained even in other lives, and how, if we pay attention, some details can reveal information from our own past lives.

Our home – Wagner de Assis (2010)

Based on the book by Chico Xavier, the film tells the spiritual journey of a doctor, André Luiz (Renato Prieto), who goes through an awakening after his death, showing many details of what life would be like on the other plane. André Luiz would have communicated with Chico Xavier, telling his story of pain and suffering in a kind of purgatory until he reached more peaceful plans to live.

In addition to being a national work, “Our home” can be a portal capable of opening our minds to what life after death is like, demystifying all our ideas on the subject. Therefore, it is a good choice for those who like to question what comes after we die.

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The Sixth Sense – M. Night Shyamalan (1999)

Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) sees the spirits of dead people around him. One day, he decides to tell the secret to the psychologist, Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis), who tries to help him discover what is behind the problem. As they try to discover more information about the phenomenon, their research leads the two to realize the boy's "powers", which cause unexpected experiences for both of them.
The famous film of the catchphrase “I see dead people…” may seem like a simple psychological horror film, but in fact it can be an excellent work among spiritualist films, because it brings the viewer an idea about mediumship and how this gift can help souls, even after they die.

The Mystery of the Dragonfly – Tom Shadyac (2002)

Joe Darrow (Kevin Costner) is a widowed doctor; he believes his late wife Emily (Susana Thompson) is trying to speak to him from the underworld through dying patients. Joe is pursued by mysterious dragonflies, which remind him more and more of his wife.
In the plot, the dragonfly was an insect considered to be his wife's lucky talisman, which further reinforces the idea that she was trying to contact her husband. Is that really it? Discovering this fact makes the film even more interesting, and makes us think about the possibilities of contact between the spiritual plane and ours.

O milagre da cela 7 – Mehmet Ada Öztekin (2019)

“The miracle of cell 7”, adapted from the South Korean film “Miracle in cell n.7”, by Netflix, became popular due to the emotional script. The story tells about Memo (Aras Bulut İynemli), a man who has mental disabilities and is the father of Ova (Nisa Sofiya Aksongur), an adorable little girl. At one point, Memo is unjustly arrested and, during the attempt to exonerate him, the prisoners are moved by his story, and “miracles” begin to happen in the conduct of the prisoners.

In addition to bringing reflection on the possibility of change even in the worst people, "The miracle of cell 7" also talks about love in its purest form, and the plot is one of those capable of making the strongest cry deeply with emotion.

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