Carrot cake

Sawabona Olivia

I really enjoyed reading your last letter. Thinking about the sea is always reassuring. Your observation about sensations is very valid – about the real desire to experience sensations when thinking about how to excavate the seabed.

I held my little collection of seashells in my hand as I read your letter! I thought it would be a way to be close to you.

Initially I found it poetic, and it is still, but it is simple and so natural that when I read its description I could identify something in myself about the sudden cry in the bakery.

Do you remember that a few months ago I commented on the crying crisis at the Rotisserie? I think I understand what sparked all that crying!

The sensations I missed!

When I looked in the candy window, I saw the carrot cake. The carrot cake with chocolate icing and sliced ​​almonds. The flavour…

Carrot cake
Ruben Pines Reboredo/Getty Images/Canva

…The first bite, clean the crumbs of cake on the plate with the tip of the index finger. And, at the end, find a smiling look watching me.

I think that was it. The memory and the realization that I won't have that feeling anymore.

I might eat a lot of cakes, but that's it… That's exactly what I've been missing. That's why I cried.

I miss the look – that patient look watching me play with carrot cake crumbs.

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It's about licking the chocolate off the fork and smiling back asking: What's up? Never saw?! And laugh until our belly hurts.

Take care of me… As Renato used to sing. Turning in would be silly, because the plan was to be okay. And so, I let the wave hit me.


Author's Note: Olivia is a fictional character from “Clara and the Writing Notebook”. The terms “Sawabona” and “Shikoba” used by the characters Olivia and Catarina were borrowed from a narrative about African tribes. In free translation, “Sawabona” means “I respect you, I value you and you are important to me”. And “Shikoba” means “so I exist for you and I am good”.

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