Spiritual channels: how to verify the veracity of the information?

The importance of freedom of expression in communication in any medium through which it is propagated is indisputable. It is a matter of respect for intelligence to eliminate censorship, filters and criticism, allowing the person who receives the information to evaluate and select, for himself, what interests him. However, there is a widespread abuse of information and news, which, due to intentionality, become a true ideological “weapon” and, finally, limit freedom and exert a disruptive influence.

In this sense are the “fake news” that unfortunately are the deconstruction of the beautiful art of communication of making something common and known to generate awareness and action. In addition to being harmful for spreading misconception, they can also spread panic and misinformation and break people's credulity. With technological ease, scope and speed have become marks of good, but also instruments that potentiate falsehood in communication.

At the same time, at least a considerable part of societies is aware of this aspect of communication and there is a “war” against it. And then yes, positive censorship is used to prevent it from evolving and causing severe damage.

We are literally working against the darkness that causes “blindness” and setback, preventing evolution. To cite an example, just the other day, a “channeling” of Ascended Masters circulated through WhatsApp, which at first glance seemed well suited to the moment. However, the text spread the panic of the end of Humanity and the planet. It was not, in itself, objective and, after reading, clearly no knowledge was actually added. What can be said about this? A false channeling and abuse of people's faith!

But how to individually identify a spiritual message with this disruptive characteristic that causes insecurity, fear, unbelief, etc. in the midst of the flood of texts that we receive daily in the most varied media? Find out by reading!

Features of the fake channeling message

Many texts are well written, but say nothing. They are an agglomeration of words that, in the end, do not cause changes, nor do they promote reflection.

When you receive a “channeling” message from higher beings, Ascended Masters or Masters of Light, it should be objective and not selfish. In it there is no “marketing” from the Master nor from the one who received the channeling. He who lends himself to channel the message from the Higher Planes does not need glory, titles and must be free from vanity, as he is at the service of Humanity for something much greater, to teach, bring knowledge and carry out his mission on Earth.

False channeling tends to place masters in cosmic time and space; for example: “right now they are above London”. For the ascended, the most important thing is the objectivity of the message to generate transformation, not clarify where they can be located. What would be the purpose?

Spiritual channels: how to verify the veracity of the information?
Artem Beliaikin / Pexels

Another important aspect is the implicit content of the text, that is, what message does he really want to deliver — is it about love or about hate? It is discriminatory (this people to the detriment of that one, this religion different from that one, etc.). Does it reinforce security or arouse fear? True channeling promotes awareness, develops universal love, and awakens trust and faith.

Light messages are vibrations that give us a feeling of contentment, satisfaction and confirmation. In front of them, we have an immediate connection, a high identification, as if it were something deeply known, as if we already knew about it.

In this sense, if you see a message that incites violence or prejudice, be absolutely sure not to treat yourself, despite what you want to make believe, coming from enlightened beings.

The feelings generated by the false channeling message

Anything that you read and provokes your reflection brings, in itself, only a beneficial result. Contrary to this, false channeling will generate anxiety, temerity, disbelief and inertia.

So, to identify a genuine Light channeling message, keep in mind that it is clear, objective and always loving, but calls everyone to awareness and responsibility to act and achieve evolutionary transformation. It presents the paths to be followed.

In this respect, intuition is a powerful instrument to discern what is truly a channeling of higher beings and what is a bad-tasting “joke” of negative forces that insist that the human being does not evolve. It is intuition that connects us to inner wisdom, which in turn connects us to spirituality.

When we feel joy, serenity, willingness and certainty that our ability can be useful for what is being proposed in a channeled message, it is very likely that it is true. It connects our essence to the divine.

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In other words, understand your feelings: a genuine channeling message causes faith, hope and, at the same time, alerts the conscience about our power to change in ourselves, in others, in the world to which we belong and in individual and spiritual spirituality. global.

In conclusion, be aware of what you receive through the media and social networks. Improve your criticism, avoiding the naivety of accepting everything as absolute truth. Question the information and guidance you receive.

Go deeper into a particular subject, whatever its origin, notably those dealing with spirituality. Listen to your inner voice, your intuition. Never convey information and especially channeling messages before reflecting on their clarity, objectivity and awareness of what they want us to achieve. Be an instrument of good and spiritual evolution.

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