Help not answered!

    When difficulties approach us, it is common to remember that God exists, that Jesus is the governor of our planet and, if we ask for help, we will have our anxieties resolved.

    In fact, everything emanates from the Creator and the bad consequences that happen in our life are allowed by God so that in pain we can grow, especially in the moral sense. We cannot forget that we are the causes of the evil that affects us, after all, nothing happens by chance and if we suffer it is because we made some mistake before.

    But the most used vehicle for asking for help is prayer, and it could not be different, because it was Jesus himself who used this resource on several occasions when he was incarnate among us.

    In our charity group it is also no different, because people in difficulty or despair come to us for irradiation in order to minimize their suffering or the suffering of a person they love, because often those who go through the difficulty are not present in the praying House.

    Help not answered!
    Unsplash/Road Trip with Raj

    But friendly spirits tell us that it is normal to go to the homes of those suffering for whom we beg intercession and are prevented from providing the necessary help, because they find the place in complete disharmony, sometimes with uproar, ingestion of alcoholic beverages or drugs, therefore, it is impossible to maintain an intuitive connection with those who need help.

    It is normal for mothers to ask for their children, wives for their husbands, and vice versa and other situations, and in these cases, even if the person to be helped is inaccessible for reasons already mentioned, the benefactors do not fail to at least apply their energies with the laying on of hands, restorative and/or dissipative, making it possible to free the mind of the one who is in moral deviation from perverse entities that approach the sufferer there, who often does not even want to be helped.

    It is for reasons such as these that we often do not see any practical effect in the supplications that we proceed to God in order to help a particular person we want well.

    But when the sufferer is convinced that he needs help and is predisposed to receive any support, it becomes much easier for benefactors to visit him and there carry out the fraternal work begged of God by those who love them, and we can be sure that something will happen, for the Father does not leave anyone helpless.

    Help not answered!
    Unsplash/Ben White

    It often happens that help may not come in the parameters that we would like, as it all depends on the consequences that our requests will give rise to, but there will be extra help so that our momentary burden becomes less heavy to carry.

    It is true that many times we do not make efforts to improve ourselves, and then suffering happens. It is the law of cause and effect.

    Let us always try to be receptive to the help that we ask for, or that ask for us.

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