Spiritual Awakening: Have You Ever Lived One?

Having a spiritual awakening is the moment when we realize that there is much more to life than we were taught and forced to believe. He gives subtle little signals when it happens. It is a kind of growth of consciousness and spirit that makes us better individuals. Spiritual awakening is based on the idea that there is so much more to us, God, the universe and human experience.

So it happens the moment something inside us senses that there is a much deeper meaning waiting to be discovered, and when that happens, our body, mind and soul are transformed.

Here are three signs that you are experiencing a spiritual awakening:

When you start to experience a spiritual awakening, you consequently become lighter. In this way, fear is reduced. What others think about you no longer worries you as much as it used to. Popularity, social reputation, fame and approval are no longer stressful and worrying factors, because you realize that the sense of identity goes much deeper than that.

This happens because you come to relate to the universe as a whole, and trust it. And once trust is established, there is no more room for fear. Even the worry about death diminishes. Everything in your life will happen the way you need it.

Spiritual Awakening: Have You Ever Lived One?From spiritual awakening, you become more deeply interested in seeking knowledge, experience and wisdom. Just thinking about what to do on weekends and when you get home from work is no longer important. The things you used to do to pass the free time now seem redundant and useless to you.

Thus, all your habits, lifestyle and customs begin to change. Your relationships, your diet, hobbies, free time, among other things, undergo a dramatic transformation. It is common in this period to distance ourselves from people who are no longer able to find anything in common, something that previously brought us together.

You start doing new activities. Maybe you want to read, spend time in nature, go hiking, sit under the stars, practice yoga, meditate, invest in an adventure or some energetic activity.

This is the biggest sign that something inside you is brewing.

The third sign that you are experiencing a spiritual awakening is synchronicity that becomes part of your life. You begin to observe several coincidences, and the probability of this happening is so, so small, that there is not the slightest possibility that it can be attributed to simple chance.

In short, when your emotions, thoughts and energy align with the universe, it starts to act in your favor. However, when you stop working with it, its positive effects stop working.

Written by FlΓ‘via Faria of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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