Spiritist Forgiveness Prayer

Forgiveness is a choice for the person to conquer inner peace and get rid of the hurts and resentments that he has for people or situations that he considers offensive. It is an intentional and voluntary process in which a transformation of feelings and attitudes is desired. In it, the person manages to transcend negative emotions, freeing himself from rancor, anger and revenge, not allowing psychic and physical damage to be established for himself and for those around him. It is a great challenge of maturity and understanding of yourself and your life purpose.

The importance of forgiving

Forgiving is important because it makes the person expand their capacity to love, letting go of the distance and distrust that result from the lack of forgiveness.

Every person capable of forgiving is exempt from the possibility of having diseases such as gastritis, ulcer, depression, dermatitis, panic, spine problems, insomnia, stress and low self-esteem.

It is through forgiveness that a person frees himself from the past, from remembering and reliving negative emotions that he cannot change. She starts to see the present moment as the time when she can actually act. With this, it is possible to move forward and live new opportunities to be happier, to seek positive and constructive things for yourself, to evolve spiritually and to prosper.

Forgiveness is a personal and non-transferable action, which can be sustained by a spiritist prayer of forgiveness so that one reaches a state of converging consciousness towards him and sees himself in the likeness of the one who needs to be forgiven.

The feeling generated by forgiveness is that of tranquility, trust in oneself and others, balance and satisfaction.

Spiritist Forgiveness Prayer
Photo by Myriam Zilles on Pixabay

How to forgive?

To forgive you have to know yourself. Identify within yourself the limits of love, respect, coexistence, of everything that is acceptable and moral for you.

Exercising forgiveness involves developing the intelligence and maturity to understand that, as human beings, we are all susceptible to mistakes, because, on this plane, we are in an evolutionary process.

To forgive, it is necessary to exercise, initially with the use of reason, analyzing the context and the characteristic of error inherent to the human being, already in the small flaws, to later evolve to intuition, more directed to the spirit. In any situation, praying a spiritist prayer of forgiveness is a way of accessing the necessary resources for this action.

Paradox of forgiveness

Forgiving implies the fact that there was first a mistake, a failure, an offense, a breach of moral value. Therefore, it would be more commendable not to have to forgive. It would be better if there were no motivating factor of the need for forgiveness, a condition that Humanity as a whole has not yet reached.

Spiritist Forgiveness Prayer
Photo by Couleur not Pixabay

Spiritualism and Forgiveness

The Spiritist Doctrine establishes the belief in the survival of spirits over the death of bodies, with the possibility of communicating with them, casually or intentionally, through evocation or spontaneously.

The work “The Gospel According to Spiritism”, chapter X, discusses the Forgiveness of Offenses, as a necessary virtue for our moral evolution.

It propagates that forgiving is a simple and pure action, an expression of peaceful hearts. However, the human being has difficulty forgiving because he is imperfect, still being the abode of evolving spirits, without actually being able to put himself in the other's place.

For Spiritism, forgiving means understanding the other, understanding their limits, their motives, balancing it with the knowledge of one's own rights and limits. Therefore, it is not related to being conniving with inappropriate behavior or adopting a passive posture, but acting with the ability to see spiritual fraternity as a way for society to be peaceful and loving.

As incarnate and evolving spirits, we bring knowledge that we have acquired over time, and in order to forgive it is necessary to evaluate what we think and what we say. It is an exercise in harmony with this content, with our purpose, with enlightenment, with the divine spark, which can be started with a prayer of spiritist forgiveness, so that the spirit does not fall into the condition of not achieving the evolution it came to obtain. in this plane.

Self-knowledge serves us as a tool to identify mainly our rational limits, while prayer serves us as a resource to access our spiritual legacy. The two together enrich and guarantee the process of forgiveness with a true result, linked to the evolution of the spirit.

Spiritist Forgiveness Prayer
Photo pot Gerd Altmann not Pixabay

Spiritist Prayer of Forgiveness

Prayer, regardless of religion, is the means of connecting with the Higher Self to achieve an intuitive and spiritual response.

Chico Xavier, through his mediumship, left us a prayer of spiritist forgiveness to make this connection, as follows:

Chico Xavier's Prayer for Forgiveness

“Lord Jesus!

Teach us to forgive, as you have forgiven us and forgive us, at every step of life.

Help us to understand that forgiveness is the power capable of extinguishing evil.

It induces us to recognize in our brothers and sisters that darkness makes children of God unhappy, as much as we do, and that it is our obligation to interpret them in the condition of sick people, in need of assistance and love.

Lord Jesus, whenever we feel like victims of someone's attitudes, make us understand that we are also susceptible to mistakes and that, for this very reason, the faults of others could be ours.

Lord, we know what forgiveness of offenses is, but have mercy on us and teach us to practice it.”

The words of Chico Xavier to enable reflection in an attitude of forgiveness:

“Forgive now, today and tomorrow, unconditionally. Remember that all creatures bring with them the imperfections and weaknesses that are peculiar to them, just as, still maladjusted, we also bring our own.”

Spiritist Forgiveness Prayer
Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

Prayer for Forgiveness – from the Spirit André Luiz – Psychographed by Bianor Giordanni

“Master, allow my heart to forgive. Let my thought find ways to convince itself to resignation. For, interspersed with pain and suffering, even so I forgive you... I forgive you and I ask for your forgiveness, just as God has forgiven us.

I ask you to accept my forgiveness, which I am now directing you to, and which will be taken to you by the angels of divine justice, which is the justice of God… That is why I ask your forgiveness and I forgive you. I forgive and ask forgiveness to all my brothers in Christ with whom one day I may have had sentimental, sexual, marital, family, professional, financial, religious, social frictions, or those I have physically hurt in this lifetime or in lifetimes. past experiences that intertwine in my earthly spiritual life, and that today make me sick karmically.

  • Know the Meaning of Praying the Prayer of Forgiveness
  • Understand the power of forgiveness for a happier life
  • Discover the importance of forgiving yourself

In this moment I forgive you, I release you and I let you go, so that we can be happy. I wish you peace, health and spiritual awakening. May your journey be towards God and may you, with our forgiveness, achieve spiritual divine transcendence.

Thank you for this opportunity to portray myself before you, now my friend and beloved brother. Thank you very much!"

As we have seen, forgiving implies taking care of both yourself and the other. It means seeking and acting with a broad and transcendental understanding. It involves correction and spiritual evolution, which converges to the divine spark, to communion with God. It is an action that can be supported by the spiritist forgiveness prayer, with the sense of linking the needy or imperfect spirit to the Higher Self to obtain enlightenment and reach forgiveness for the other and for oneself, recognizing the characteristic of error to which we are all subject. and how to evolve as a spiritual and material being.

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