Sexuality – Stories with Osho

    Sexuality – Stories with Osho
    Hi! I remembered an episode I witnessed when I was in Puna, India, in Osho space. There was one person, who was in a wheelchair and was more or less always there, I even saw her in Rajneeshpuram, she even appears in a video.

    She had a line that was hard to understand and there was always a guy who pushed a wheelchair. He was all crooked, but he was intelligent, he had a normal conscience, the problem was physical. And he asked Osho a question, related to sexuality.

    I don't remember exactly what the question was, but I do remember that he expressed that he was a normal guy sexually. He had desires, but, due to his physical condition, he didn't fulfill those desires.

    Then Osho replied, and this answer shows a lot of his surprising dimension, outside the traditional stream. Perhaps, in the vast majority of lines, the GM could say: "Look, you're having an opportunity to transcend something that most people have more obstacles to transcend." I don't know, it could be an answer like that, I could say that the guy, deep down, has more advantage, I don't know.

    But no, Osho didn't say any of that, and that's something that goes for everyone. Sex is a reality, it's a human need, we are physiologically shaped for it, there is no reason to go against it. This already goes completely in the opposite direction of the traditional lines, β€œI shouldn't!”, β€œI can't!” and β€œI must transcend!”.

    Then Osho said something that really took me by surprise. He said that if there was a woman who lowered, I don't know Osho's words, but who lowered the inspiration of having a contact with this guy, a physical contact, sexual contact, it could be a blessing, an act of compassion, which could be a boon for both of them, in fact, not just for him.

    It's funny, and then, I don't know if it was the next day or after two days, I don't remember, I was walking somewhere, because Osho's space was very big houses, in a neighborhood with English mansions, at the time they were settlers from India and such. So the main building had another one behind it, which had to cross a street and was not a very frequented place, and I went there to do I don't know what. And then, for the first time, I saw a girl pushing the guy's wheelchair, because it was always a boy who did that, and it was a girl who was taking him.

    He wept and wept copiously, it is my reading of that cry, of course I can never be sure, but my reading of that cry is a reading of gratitude. Gratitude for Osho, for the situation, for the experience, which most likely he was about to have and which might have been the first of his life.

    The conditioning we had against sex is really brutal, but Osho dared to break this conditioning. Of course, when we say that Osho said that sex is natural and has to be seen as natural, he's not talking about mental sex, he wasn't talking about us having fantasies, living in pornography. It was another dimension, on the contrary, Osho is anti pornographic. Not that he is directly, but his message is anti-pornography, because the more natural the sex, the less need for pornography.

    When I lived in the commune in Germany, Osho commune, one that was subordinated to China, subordinated to Rajneeshpuram, our bathroom, in a certain building, had the dormitory, each one had their apartment, that is, a group of people stayed in an apartment, so it was a small bathroom. But when we were at a workplace, where there was a restaurant, there were other things, there was a shared bathroom. It was a bathroom that had, I don't know how many, I don't remember now, but like, like, 6 or 7 showers, one next to the other, without partitions and we would shower, man and woman, normally.

    And it really was normal, natural, and we were absolutely at ease, regardless of who was showering next to us. I ask you, how many times do you think I saw someone having sex in the shower? How many times do you think I saw a make out? Or something really sexual? I stayed over a year there, not once, not once!

    Not that there weren't sexual relations, but that wasn't the context. It really was natural, it was quiet, it didn't cross my mind. So, you understand Osho, people think there were orgies, some videos think there were orgies, there was none of that! At least not that I witnessed.

    It's like the Indian right?! The Indian doesn't have those that a civilized person would have, for him that is natural and he has sex, of course. Now, when I was in that atmosphere, it was one thing, after I left that atmosphere and came back here to the world, things changed, the conditioning came back.

    It's very deep, I really feel it. Sexual conditioning, or anti-sexual conditioning, is very deep, it is not easy to break free. For example, one time I was there, I had a partner, who I was with for a few years, and there was a day when she didn't sleep with me. There was a day when she went to sleep with an Englishman, it was not common for this to happen, but she went to sleep with a guy I liked very, very nice, very nice, this Englishman, and I was fine.

    In that context, I was fine. The next morning I bumped into the guy and greeted him normally, continued with the same level of friendship. Now, outside of this context, things get complicated, it's not quite like that. Then, the incentive that Osho gives is that we start to face, more and more, naturally this sexual dimension that we have.

    Now, in the context in which we live, as it is not like that, it is difficult for me to be natural. So our society has a long way to go, but the impression I have is that it is doing well, compared to what it used to be.

    So the idea of ​​this video was just, I think the main point, the strongest point for me was that moment when I saw that boy crying copiously, because someone had the sensitivity and compassion to make him experience something as beautiful as physical contact, something that should be sacred, that unfortunately the repression itself is what destroys sacredness.

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