Spirit of Gratitude, According to Buddhism

    Spirit of Gratitude, According to Buddhism
    Manifesting gratitude is something we human beings must demonstrate daily. Basically, all the factors that occur in our life are due to the fact that we live in society and in interdependence. There's no way around it.

    An example: the possibility of us enjoying electricity, water, food, clothes and other basic items is due to the fact that other people work to make our life β€œwork” better. However, we are so on automatic, living our routines that we don't realize how fortunate we are for the daily opportunities that life itself offers.

    The moment we realize this detail, we will be practicing true gratitude, according to Buddhism. When an acquaintance tells us about a job vacancy, when we are not having a good day and a friend offers their time for a dialogue, when someone we like makes an unexpected declaration of affection, when our pet welcomes us home after a tiring day… We can spend a long time remembering to value the small and large actions that others do for us and be grateful for that..

    The way to express gratitude, according to Buddhism, is to do for people what we would like them to do for us, sometimes even more. β€œThe old fox never forgets the hill where he was born; the white turtle returns the kindness she had received from Mao Pao. If even lesser creatures know enough to do this, then human beings should do it much more!” (The Daishonin's Scriptures, vol. 4, p. 17.)

    In this thirteenth century writing, the Buddha Nichiren Daishonin teaches us the importance of returning the feeling of gratitude to parents, teachers (teachers, people who teach us) and all other beings. Some sources cite a debt of gratitude to all living beings.

    He emphasizes the importance that all human beings have of paying off the debt of gratitude as a fundamental and essential attitude of human behavior.. He emphasizes that, in order to repay such dedication, a person must understand the very essence of other people's lives, as well as his own, and in this way, manifest gratitude in his life, first and only by becoming a better person.

    Subsequently, we must be grateful to the people who help us, help us; as well as the people who have somehow harmed us. All of these components are important in forging our character as first-rate human beings..

    β€œThe reason why you should be grateful for all living beings is because – since life spans the three existences – all men have been their fathers in the past, at one time or another, and all women have been your mother. In lifetime after lifetime, you have been indebted to all these beings, which is why you should wish for everyone to achieve enlightenment in their lives.” (Siddhartha Gautama)

    You can start today, right now. Be grateful for your life and the opportunities that come your way every day, changing your mindset from β€œwhat do I have to do today?” to β€œwhat can I do for people today?”

    Written by Bruno da Silva Melo of the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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