Dealing with negative emotions

Hi! How are things with you? I’m writing this in a holiday mood to share a gift I got even before Christmas…

Learn to deal with negative feelings. Anger, sadness, fear… Nobody likes to feel that, right? And we tend to want to cover it up by doing other things or thinking positive thoughts.

But this positive thinking thing never worked for me, no matter what. If it works for you, great…

But what has had the most effect for me is: staying with the feeling. It can be uncomfortable. Annoying. Out of time. It can be a lot of challenging stuff. But there's no other way.

Failing to feel whatever appears is like closing a pressure cooker. And the worst thing is that one hour it explodes out of control, throwing dirt everywhere. Hurting other people and even ourselves.

Dealing with negative emotions

When anger arises, for example, stay with it. And try to observe the physical sensations in your body, returning to the present moment. Breathing a little to become aware. And nothing more needs to be done.

The more you are able to own the sensations without reacting… the more likely the anger will pass. As well as sadness. Just let yourself feel sad. To cry. Stay in bed for a while.

Using tools that allow us to be silent with feelings helps to understand with routine practice: that you are not angry or depressed or stressed… You are! Feelings are waves that pass through our body.

Dealing with negative emotions

And when you realize that, you will see that, like waves, they come in and out. Everything changes all the time! Learn to deal with feelings and grow with them. Never repress and pretend it's not happening.

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Use yoga, which moves the body and breathing, activate the central nervous system with these techniques to be present and be able to see more clearly. And let go of what appears. When it's time, let go. Opportunities will always arise for us to learn how to do this more and more clearly!

I hope it helped you!


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