Sleep Problems: Why Do They Happen?

Do you have trouble sleeping, always wake up in the middle of the night, have a headache when you lie down, are you sleepwalking, or do you have any other sleep problems? All disturbances have a cause of their own and, in this article, I Without Borders will help you to discover the cause of what disturbs your nights, so that, who knows, you can find a solution.

Only when our bodies are healthy and energetic are we able to work, exercise and do all the other activities and obligations of our daily lives. Even though sleep is so important, some people neglect it due to lack of attention or don't dedicate the necessary time to it.

No matter how hard they try, some people can't get enough sleep or, even if they get enough sleep, they wake up tired, as their sleep is poor. This happens because of one or more disorders.

Problems can range from insomnia to sleepwalking - and believe me, between these two dysfunctions there are many, many others - and only a doctor can give the correct guidance and diagnosis so that the best treatment is done.

However, each sleep disorder has its own basic characteristics, so just look at the symptoms to get some idea of ​​what the problem really is. See below the symptoms of each of the main sleep disorders.

Sleep apnea

Feature: When there is obstruction of the upper airway, the amount of oxygen your body receives is less than it needs. When this happens, you wake up gasping and short of breath. Awakening in this way is the result of your body seeking the necessary oxygen.

Causes and risk factors: men, family history, respiratory diseases, obesity, smoking, excessive tiredness, nasal obstruction (ie when your nose is blocked) and alcoholism.

Sleep Problems: Why Do They Happen?


Characteristics: a person with insomnia, even when tired, cannot sleep or wakes up several times during the night.

Causes and risk factors: predominant in women, insomnia can happen for several reasons, such as stress, anxiety, depression, use of some medications, diseases (such as respiratory, renal, cardiac, endocrine and chronic pain).


Characteristics: This sleep disorder has as its main characteristic the grinding or clenching of teeth during sleep. That is, while the person sleeps, and without realizing it, he grinds his teeth or makes a lot of pressure from the upper teeth against the lower ones, causing problems in the jaw (mainly muscle), gum and teeth, in addition to headaches.

Causes and risk factors: there are possible reasons, such as anxiety, stress, tension, teeth misalignment, reflux, among others. Despite being studied, the causes of bruxism have not yet been completely unraveled. It is also more common for this disorder to occur in patients with Parkinson's disease, children and adolescents, hyperactive people, drug users or heavy caffeine consumers.


Characteristics: The main characteristics of sleepwalking are the acts of talking, sitting and walking while sleeping. Usually, the person takes a few steps, but in some cases, it is necessary to take safety measures, such as locking doors and windows to avoid accidents.

Causes and risk factors: It usually occurs in childhood and pre-adolescence. However, it is not impossible for adults to sleepwalk.

Periodic Leg Movements (PLM)

Characteristics: the person suffering from this disorder moves legs and feet while sleeping and eventually wakes up because of the movements. PLM can cause another sleep-related disorder: insomnia.

Causes and risk factors: occurs mostly in the elderly. Family history also influences.

Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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