Silence – An act of love for yourself

“… We are made of silence and sounds, there are certain things I don't know how to say”

Lulu Santos

Various ancient wisdoms recognize silence as a practice of inner guidance, and transpersonal experiences emerge after long periods of silence.
Silence is an internal resource, a healing balm, available to us and sometimes underused by fear, restlessness or limiting belief.

A personal and non-transferable art in constant improvement.

Contemplation and appreciation of the self, the vibrant essence within us.

Introspection, solitude, inner diving, creative visualization are other terms for the ability to stay in touch with oneself.

Silence is active, an act of self-love, a self-care ritual.

Silence – An act of love for yourself
Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

I remember that since I was little I loved being alone, watching the clouds, the feeling of the wind on my skin, different in each season of the year, the stars, the sunset.

Once, I was in the countryside of São Paulo with my family, it was a long holiday, a cousin's birthday. He lived in a neighborhood away from the city center. We were staying at my grandmother's house, close to the city's commercial center.

During the birthday lunch at his house, I walked away from everyone, I left the house and went to enjoy the sunset, sitting alone in a higher place… and suddenly it was just the two of us… the sunset sun and me. It was one of the most incredible experiences of adolescence and of my life.

Absolute silence, wonderful colors, the star king making a wonderful show… vibrating… pulsating… shining. I was completely immersed in the golden light, a feeling of fullness, well-being, strength and love filled my being, and I cried… tears rolled softly down my face.

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So, silence for me is that… an illuminated encounter between light and shadow, day and night, light and dark, yes and no, to speak and to be silent, to be with people and to be in solitude.

I have been practicing meditation every day for fourteen years. Diving into myself is a self-care habit and an opportunity to check my quality of life in all areas.

The proposal is to be an impartial witness without criticism, judgment or accusation towards me or others, simply being in the present moment, being neutral, being in the middle way.

Thoughts are created at reduced speed and their quality is more positive, thinking is replaced by deep feeling.

Quietness for a while renews physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy, brings mental clarity, more assertive decision making, expands creativity and inner life.

The proposal is not to live isolated, outside of reality, oblivious to everything that happens around. It is to live, from inner guidance, the beauties of the physical world in a responsible way.

So what are the results of practicing silence?

  • The talking cricket of the mind silences
  • The inner critic is turned into an impartial witness
  • Empathy with yourself is amplified
  • Feelings are named and can be transmuted
  • Fatigue gives way to reenergization
  • The production of feel-good chemicals increases
  • Memory becomes active
  • Trust is enhanced
  • New paths for personal and professional life are intuited
  • Intuition is activated
  • happiness is nurtured
  • The joviality of the being is enhanced
Silence – An act of love for yourself
Pexels/Polina Tankilevitch

Let's practice?

  • Choose a time of day to sit quietly
  • Pay full attention to your breathing, breathing in and out, for a few minutes.
  • Feel how much this practice relaxes your body and mind
  • You start to appreciate the safe silence
  • Dive into you, feeling the being you are…
  • The vibrant energy in you is real…
  • You feel very good in your own company.
  • Decide if you want to experience this well-being more and more or if you want to analyze some situation as an impartial witness.
  • The mind is clear about what is best to think or feel
  • I feel completely safe
  • I make positive choices about how and when to act.

I wish you a beautiful experience… believe me, it's worth investing in you through the practice of silence.

Loving embrace

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