Healing affective relationships

This article is dedicated to helping you understand and heal affective relationships and how we can use our emotional intelligence to our advantage.

First, I will explain how Theta brainwaves can teach you how to balance your right and left brain hemispheres and change blocking and limiting beliefs that can ruin your day to day life. Simply by changing your mental programming and your habitual way of thinking to a lighter and freer way, and then you will come to appreciate your experiences in life much more and enjoy them in a liberating way. 

The Theta brain wave can be accessed when we go to sleep, while we dream, and when we go into deep meditation. You can also access this Theta state of mind sometimes while driving, as you might be driving down a road and get distracted in the middle of a long drive or you suddenly have an epiphany, an answer that you've been looking for for months and feel like was divinely inspired. 

This divine inspiration comes through intuition. What if you could access that feeling whenever you wanted and could have an answer?

The ThetaHealing® technique can teach you how to tap into this mental wave in a simple and very conscious way and when you enter that state of mind, you touch the Divine. And, you can make changes in your life, release beliefs that hold you back, witness healings, release traumas and teach feelings that you don't yet feel like, for example, the feeling of feeling loved completely and you learn feelings on all levels. of your cells and your Being.

Love for things, love for money, love for nature, love for animals, love for human beings. Everything is motivated or moved by love. And, one of the questions that has been afflicting people is how to improve or heal their affective relationships or else, are they looking for a love, a soul mate, that will complete and fulfill it. But, people don't find their most compatible soul mate until they love themselves.

Because no one can complete you, you have to complete yourself, respect and love yourself first of all!

People are always looking for love, when in fact he has always been inside us. We are made of this energy, love, which flows from the Creative Source of All That Is.

To feel that love, we have to go to that Creator Source. And we are often so focused on our own human body that we believe we know everything about ourselves, when in fact we know little about ourselves.

We create stories and memories that are recorded as patterns and habits acquired throughout our lives, which make relationships difficult. Even if a part of you wants to find love, the other part may be denying it to protect itself from the wounds that are still open.

The key for us to learn in our lives is not just about having human experiences, but understanding that we are divine sparks from this Source, how we feel connected to this energy that moves everything and most importantly, understanding the great message we often forget: “To love yourself, you need to know yourself…”

When the child comes into the world, he arrives loving. The cells in our body are really intelligent and when we are born the cells carry within them the full potential of love, this is the nature of Being. These cells are learning and are open to receiving food, hormones and information. They have receptors that are portals into cells. 

If you were born into a family that gave you a lot of love, these cells are used to receiving a lot of love every day. But if you were born into a family where arguments, fights and aggression were frequent, these cells are used to fighting every day. Yeah, they got used to it, so to feel normal, you have to argue or fight at least once a day to feed that emotion that the cell is looking for. You may not be aware of this and how this programming affects your life and your relationships. For, the person forgets his real nature which is loving. She ends up developing this need to receive the exclusive love of the other and she believes that happiness and love come from outside and that somehow she needs to receive it and ends up developing skills to force the other to give what she feels she needs.

This is because at some point he lost the connection with Source, he lost the connection with love.

Healing affective relationships

And, it is to resolve these issues that the Thetahealing® technique will help you, first of all by clearing your entire system of resentments, hurts, anger, jealousy, remorse, guilt and rejection, bringing light and understanding to find the love that it's already inside you.

Removing layers and blocks that have been acquired over time, which may be at a primary level, in childhood or at the genetic level, which comes through DNA, overcoming affective deficiencies, not only knowing oneself, but creating oneself and according to you create, you will understand that you are a shining reflection of that source of energy, a divine spark.

In all paths of self-knowledge, the first step is to become aware of limitations such as jealousy and possessiveness and to build bridges from where it comes from, when it came about, etc. We will always find a story that we tell ourselves and that we believe to be real.

Are you really that person who has so much resentment and fear of life? That you are so insecure, that you need to tie the other up to feel more confident?

You will find that it is not, that it is just a belief that has been built up and you have become identified with it. To free yourself from this blocking belief, you need to get in touch with this feeling that sustains it. And with Thetahealing®, we teach our cells again to create new receptors, through the divine energy of the Creator and we can feel the sensation of unconditional love and knowing the definition of forgiveness through the Creator of All That Is.

When we make the changes in ourselves, this energy reverberates around us, attracting this beautiful love energy. And, when you start to show yourself that all is well, you realize that the world around you is ok too! But the only way to realize this is to feel that you are a divine spark and that others are too. Loving relationships are magnificent opportunities for growth, through them we can reach spiritual elevation when we exercise unconditional love, forgiveness, gratitude and surrender daily. Two sparks that merge in love are the very expression of divinity.

True love transforms human beings! 
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