Signs you've disconnected from yourself

Ahhh, modern life and its inconveniences… It's so much rush, so many people to handle, so much to keep up to date, so many goals to achieve. The problem is when in the meantime of a thousand tasks we end up feeling that everything is out of place. It's the brain that doesn't seem to be the same anymore, our ideas are all messed up and the body doesn't even look like ours anymore. All a little out of place, you know?

Signs you've disconnected from yourself

Have you lost count of how many times you've felt this way? Unfortunately, I tell you that it is normal and more common than it seems. The problem is that even if it happens more than once, we still take time to realize what it is. Basically, it's quite simple, much more than it seems: you have disconnected from yourself.

Yeah… it may sound strange, but with so much stimulation and so much obligation out there, we end up putting ourselves a little bit aside each day until there comes a time when we can't even recognize each other anymore.

To help you identify if this is happening to you, we've listed below some signs that your autoconnect is failing. Check out:

Loss of interest in things you like

If your favorite hobby no longer excites you and doesn't seem to make much sense, stay tuned. It could just be a sign of natural change, but if it's sudden or feels weird to you, it's probably a sign of disconnection. When we are far from ourselves, our most intimate desires and vocations are withdrawn. It may seem like depression or laziness, but the chance of disconnection is immense.

sudden mood change

Signs you've disconnected from yourself

You wake up fine, in five minutes you're already complaining about life, you feel guilty and have a crying fit and then you have a laugh attack. Be careful, no balanced person goes through so many moods in such a short time, especially for no apparent reason. It is a clear sign that there is a lack of harmony between your thoughts, feelings and the life you are leading.

Lack of empathy

Still in the same reasoning of sudden mood change, when you are disconnected we tend to get more irritable and can't understand the other's point of view. Empathy seems to pass away from our personality and people tend to withdraw. If you don't recognize yourself in your attitudes towards the people you live with, it's another reason for attention.

Constant feeling of anxiety

It just doesn't matter what you're doing, concentrating is impossible. Anything else will seem more interesting and anxiety will go hand in hand with you. The fast pace takes care of all your actions and it will always feel like you need to do more.

Impaired health

Somatization can even affect physical health. Do you get sick every week? It's a warning, no doubt. The body cannot function as it should if your brain seems out of orbit. It's like you give your health a mission, but don't give it an instruction manual on how it should achieve the goal.

Everything is out of place

Nothing makes sense, no matter where you look, who you talk to, or what you try to do. Nothing just seems to be the way it used to be. Has everything changed or are you having a problem? Reflects.

Changing your life seems very difficult

Any action you try to take to get out of this cycle of ills seems infinitely more difficult than it once was. Meditating is an arduous task, intuition seems to no longer exist, and not even that willpower you were always proud of having can get you out of this. Maximum alert!

For everything to return to the usual harmony, identifying and recognizing the problem is the first big step. Then just work slowly so that attitudes change and, consequently, make everything return to its correct axis.

Always pay close attention to the signals that your body and the universe around you send you daily. It is through them that we can take back the reins of our lives and enter into perfect connection with our true selves.

  • Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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