Signs You're Following Your "Higher Self"

    o you must have heard about your higher self and also how important it is to be in tune with him to follow the best paths, right?

    It's really hard to know if you and your Higher Self are connected and that's why we've put together a list of twenty signs that show you can, yes, be in harmony with it.

    1.You already know your purpose here on Earth
    You are already aware of what you came here to do and you are without a doubt. By now you may have already given up your old job, started something new, resumed your studies, in short, you stopped fitting into the old paradigm and freed yourself from the old ways of thinking.

    2.You are physically and mentally lighter

    Signs You're Following Your
    You are suddenly feeling very light and alive. Maybe you're even more motivated than ever and that's just another sign that you're accepting your Higher Self. With this, it may even be that you are improving your diet or have noticed a great improvement in health.

    3.Things are happening fast
    If you get something you want very quickly, then you are in tune with your Higher Self. You may be perceiving the Universe sending you paths and answers in different ways like in books, movies, dreams, etc.

    4.You attract whoever you need
    You found the right people at the right time. They are those people who, even having just met, are already very important to you and who usually show up when you need them the most and offer exactly what you need. These people are known as your “Family of Souls”.

    5.are you comfortable with yourself
    You feel confident and everything you say, do and think is working in harmony with your Inner Self.

    6.You can manipulate and appreciate emotions
    You are able to welcome your emotions and allow yourself to feel without having to label them as good or bad.

    7.You no longer beg for attention
    Now you are able to love yourself and understand that in order to be loved, you must first care for and love yourself.

    8. You are no longer the victim
    It puts victimization aside and focuses more on the laws of karma. Soon, you take responsibility for your life and still feel grateful for everything you already have.

    9.Do you feel connected to life?

    Signs You're Following Your
    Now you understand that all living things are connected.

    10You use energy to heal
    You are already able to continually use the energies to remove anything that blocks your body and mind.

    11You left your ego behind
    Now you can separate yourself from your ego and leave the rat race behind to follow your vocation.

    12You don't care what they think anymore
    Your confidence in yourself has become so strong that now it doesn't matter what they say or think about you.

    13 You let your heart guide you
    Now you are silent and make the right decisions by following your heart and no longer looking for answers from the outside.

    14you are free from fear
    Fear no longer prevents you from achieving your goals.

    15You no longer idolize spiritual leaders
    You have realized that you don't need any guru and that you can lead your own path.

    16 you tell the truth
    You stand firm in your beliefs and don't lie to keep the peace.

    17Your relationships are healthy

    Signs You're Following Your
    Now, as you have a healthy relationship with yourself, this manifests in everyone else, making all your relationships deeper.

    18your life is passionate
    Your life is no longer dull as before, now you feel passion. You feel more vibrant, healthy and unstoppable.

    19You spread kindness and love
    Today you share love and nurture others with kindness and affection just as you do with yourself.

    20Every area of ​​your life experiences abundance
    The Universe seems to be rewarding you in everything when you realize you're making money like never before and living the life of your dreams.

    It may be that you haven't reached all the topics yet, but little by little we are improving and getting in greater harmony with our Higher Self.

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