10 Things My Dog Taught Me

The wise psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud said: “Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite different from people, who are incapable of feeling pure love and always have to mix love and hate in their relationships”.

Renowned for their good company, ingenuity and pure love, dogs are the kind of pet that everyone loves. It is difficult to find someone who is not delighted with the teachings and joys that a puppy can bring.

Without even realizing it, your dog may have taught you a lot about life. Below, 10 of the most valuable lessons a dog can bring:

Unconditional love

Expressed by the loyalty of these animals to their owners, the famous “love without expecting anything in return” is evident.

10 Things My Dog Taught Me
Dominika Roseclay / Pexels

Feel-be loved

Dogs are capable of expressing so much affection that they make their companions boost their self-esteem and feel irreplaceable.

Simple pleasures

Without noticing, our pets make us laugh, calm down or shake us up in a good way. Small gestures or looks bring us a feeling that is often lost, that of feeling pleasure in small things.

communication without words

With the incredible ability to communicate through their eyes or gestures, animals make us develop other ways to express our feelings and emotions. The most amazing thing is how much they understand this expression.

no rancor

Regardless of how hard you address him, or how inattentive his owner is, the dog doesn't hold a grudge. He is always by his owner's side and seems to respect his moments. Great example to humans!

show affection

Without shame, these animals exaggerate in licks and caresses and there is no one who doesn't like it. The expression of affection is always a good and must be exercised between pets and humans.

10 Things My Dog Taught Me
Gustavo Fring / Pexels


It's always good to be a kid again. Good company for this, dogs always have the breath to simply have fun. A good way to relieve the pressures of everyday life.

Greet and notice people around you

Animals never forget the presence of someone in the environment. This is a good example for us to give more value and attention to those around us.

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not pretend anything

Dogs even confess in their eyes when something has been done wrong and seem to redeem themselves from the situation. This posture is a teaching to face your attitudes, be they good or bad, and bear the consequences.

not have prejudices

Dogs are extremely sociable animals and they get along well with all other animals except in specific cases. They teach us how to live without any prejudice or prejudgments.

Written by Julia Zayas of Team Me Without Borders.

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