sharing my learning

    My daughter was billed for her own car insurance for her to pay for the first time, she was very angry and disgusted, I couldn't understand watching it and I was immediately judging: “Last time it was the father who paid, why are you complaining? You only have insurance to pay, because you have a car, if you took the bus, you wouldn't have…“. And I thought, as a beautiful 24-year-old engineer, who already works in the area, in one of the biggest industries in Spain, very intelligent, is she taking an attitude like this? I was outraged. I didn't understand her disconnect with finances, because I see her as a very successful woman.

    Studying Systemic Constellation, listening to a lecture by Luciano Alves, helped me to analyze with great lucidity that, if the mother is the one who gives life, generating the baby in her own body and the first supply is breast milk, this disconnect was related to me who am hers mother, then I realized that I was complaining about something systemic that came from me. Oh, oh, oh, “let’s” do it differently then…

    Studying further, in Bert Hellinger's book "Orders for help", there is a trauma of "interrupted love" when the child feels deprived of the love of his mother who for whatever reason was absent, bingo, I had a very lonely pregnancy and when I gave I gave birth to my little girl, I got very sick and my baby was 15 days without mom (I was in the hospital, fighting for my life), and even when I got back home, it took me a while to be there, available for my dear daughter.

    The truth came out and the lesson learned is that the women in my system, my grandmother, my mother and I, were unable to be available for their daughter daughters.

    sharing my learning

    Wow… So, from this learning I declare:

    My dear daughter, I appreciate all the growth and learning that came through the pain we feel, but that by choice and knowledge we don't need to feel anymore.

    I choose to be lovingly present for you and I will warmly welcome the girls you bring into our system, because love turns pain into light and I love you absurdly!

    So I also declare, by the power given to me to be your mother: That you connect with all the PLENTY and DIVINE ABUNDANCE.

    So be it.

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