Get organized with 10 tips from guru Marie Kondo

Attention: your well-being also depends on your organization!

The organization of our home directly interferes with how we feel on a daily basis. When we lose focus of things, everything becomes a mess.

Don't pull out the hairs, there is an effective solution to solve this. the japanese guru Marie Kondo released some books with amazing organization tips to make our lives easier inside and out.

Kondo is one of the most influential people in the world. At just 30 years old, he turned his tips into best sellers. His book “A Mágica da Arrumação” has sold more than 2 million copies around the world and his tips promise to make your house definitely organized. That is, of course, if you do each step right!

From the age of 5, Kondo discovered that he had a gift for organizing things. Until she became one of the most sought-after consultants in the world, she fell into several “fix your house in 5 minutes” traps.

Abusing his orientality, as well as in Feng Shui, Kondo decided to share his wisdom teaching how the organization of the house directly interferes with our well-being and our health.

Based on the KonMari method, we have separated some valuable organization tips for you to put into practice in your home and achieve the desired balance.

  1. What do you really need?
Get organized with 10 tips from guru Marie Kondo
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

Deciding what you want and what you don't want is the first step in engaging change. And that goes for all walks of life, not just the home.

Through the KonMari method, which is much more intuitive than technical, ask yourself what brings you happiness, what makes you happy, what you really need. Consequently, things that you can discard will arise.

According to Feng Shui, excesses are barriers in the energy of the house. So think about what you want and not just what you can throw away to free up space.

  1. steps are important
Get organized with 10 tips from guru Marie Kondo
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

Although people usually start cleaning by rooms, the essential thing is to categorize what needs to be done. It's not a matter of where you should start, it's a matter of what you need to organize first.

Focus on scattered objects, organize your books, dirty clothes, free up space to get a sense of what you're doing. Categorizing is important because it brings things together in one place and helps you have a broad view of what you want and what you can discard.

Specifying places to store things is essential, as it helps you to always keep the environment organized.

  1. Get rid of sentimental baggage
Get organized with 10 tips from guru Marie Kondo
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood in Pexels

There's no way, you have to say goodbye to the past. At least for what no longer adds anything to you nowadays.

Separate the things that really give you good energies, those that have already fulfilled their purpose will be well kept in your memory. This includes letters, photos, old clothes, and anything that reminds you of another time in your life and no longer makes any sense to be present in your things.

Focus on what makes you good today, including people. It's no use keeping sentimental baggage of things you don't even feel anymore. From people you don't even talk to.

  1. do not accumulate
Get organized with 10 tips from guru Marie Kondo
Photo by Min An from Pexels

This goes for books and clothes. As hard as it is to let go of the books you haven't read and won't, the clothes you'll never wear, think about how much difference these things can make in someone else's life.

You know those stay-at-home clothes? Amazingly, this kind of thing takes up a lot of space in your wardrobe. You don't need all that, two sets are more than enough for you to look good.  

And no using mom's house as a deposit! It's no use cleaning out your wardrobe and sending everything to someone else's house. The purpose of the organization is to get rid of what is no longer used by you and make room for the new to enter your life. If there is no room in your house, why would there be room in another? Leave that attachment behind.

  1. Use spaces wisely
Get organized with 10 tips from guru Marie Kondo
Photo from Pixabay not Pexels

Making things visible makes it easier to organize and gives you a better view of the environment and the things you own. If you start stacking shoes, books, you will almost always mess things up trying to find them. Ever thought that headache?

You don't need to buy boxes and shelves that will only occupy a space that can be organized in a simple way. Unless it's absolutely necessary, use your drawers to differentiate between each type of thing and make use of spaces consciously.

It's a lot more work to accumulate things and stack them, than it is to organize them in a visible way so you can find that favorite outfit in the blink of an eye.

  1. Don't leave anything for later

Do everything you need to do today, however complicated it may seem, is necessary. Organize in your mind everything that needs to be done and do it in your time.

  1. separate the paperwork

During organizations, many people end up getting rid of important documents, so you need to take a moment before, during or after you start your cleaning to tidy up the paperwork.

Avoid leaving papers exposed and keep only the essentials, they accumulate mites.

  1. Fold your clothes properly

According to Kondo, we can store 20 to 40 pieces of clothing in the same space that we can only hang 10.

Only heavy coats, delicate clothes and dresses should be hung. Make clothes breathe, use intelligence to highlight them in the pile. As mentioned earlier, stacking is a trap for anyone who wants to keep things in order for a while.

This may shock you, but pay attention! Do not roll up your socks as this will only take up more space and will loosen the elastic in your socks. Also, folding your clothes into a rectangle makes your life easier.

  1. have your moment

Don't let anyone interfere with the way you organize things. Separate a solitary moment of the day, take the opportunity to relax with some instrumental music or with the silence itself.

This moment is yours, no one should get in the way trying to help. Everything can have a negative impact at the time of detachment, be your best company and enjoy this contact with your Inner Self.

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  1. force of habit

If you want a lasting organization, you need to follow certain rules. It's no use cleaning the house today and leaving things scattered on the floor tomorrow.

Before you leave, unpack your bag, this will make your life easier and make sure everything you need is always within reach. Resist the temptation when you get home after a tiring day, only stop to rest if the environment is organized, it will make your life easier.

As you can see, these tips are quite easy to put into practice, but they require some dedication. Follow them to the letter and have an organized home and a more balanced life as the days go by.

  • Text written by Juliane Rodrigues do Nascimento of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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