Sexual harassment on the streets

In the last article, we saw a brief explanation of what sexual harassment is in the professional sphere and it is worth talking about sexual harassment on the streets, the one that, crossing the border between healthy flirting and interesting flirting, exposes the woman and her physical and psychological integrity; one who, deliberately and cowardly, attacks the victim on the streets, in public transport, imposing his unscrupulous will.

There are countless cases of harassment on the streets, and the marks left are terrifying and lasting. It is important to know what sexual harassment is and how to defend yourself. We women already know that when it is not pleasant and there is no exchange between the parties, it is no longer good and respectful, and forces the victim or embarrasses her, it is a crime. The person responsible must be punished and, for that, denounced.

When is harassment then?

Sexual harassment on the streets

We can start the answer simply by saying: when it's not reciprocal, when we don't want it, when it doesn't respect us! Harassment is any act of embarrassment, offensive words, forced and disrespectful contact or lewd gesture; the practice of male relief in women during a train journey, for example; the forced and rough touch, embarrassing her, making her defense impossible, since in some cases, the harasser uses the resource to attack his victim while she sleeps.

What do I need to know?

Sexual harassment on the streets does not reflect the truth about what is heard about its victims: provocative clothing, possible interest of the victim, etc. When you stop being pleasant and respectful, when you force contact or when you disrespect with cursing and lewd acts, it's harassment, yes!

As described in the previous article, the complaint must be made before an authority, in this case a police station, and from there a judicial process begins. The forms of evidence are: an image of the harasser, a description of his clothes, physical features, the place where the act took place and witnesses.

Dial 180 too, if you want to report it.

And the victim?

It is worth mentioning that the victim deserves emergency care, and should be taken to a hospital, especially if any intimate contact on the part of the harasser was maintained. Psychological help is also essential.

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