How to use incense correctly

    Incense is much more than a home perfume. They are friends for the energetic cleansing of environments and, in many cultures, a sacred ritual. We also light it to prepare the environment for ceremonies, yoga and meditation classes.

    Do you know how to activate your incense so that it produces all possible benefits?

    The most important step is your intention. You are the one who needs to give him the command.

    Good quality incense is made from herbs, wax, and other natural earth-related products. And when incense is lit, these products are activated by fire, which is a powerful force of nature.

    How to use incense correctly
    Elly Fairytale / Pexels

    The smoke produced by it propagates an energy related to the air, which is directly related to our mental processes, and with its properly programmed intention, it cleanses, including negative thoughts, bringing more clarity of consciousness.

    Choose the scent of your incense, light it, hold it in your hands and make an intention, prayer or whatever resonates with your heart. Tell him exactly what you want him to do. Each substance has specific powers. For example, if you want to cleanse the energies of the environment and protect against negative energies, you tell him clearly that you are lighting this incense with the intention that he will clear all negative energies and transmute all negativity into light, peace and tranquility.

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    Say that every place and every corner of the environment where the smoke passes will be transmuted and protected. If you feel like it, say it aloud or repeat your favorite mantra, your prayer, if you wish, invoke your spiritual friends, mentors or any ascended being of light you like to help with the cleansing.

    How to use incense correctly
    Artem Beliaikin / Pexels

    Walk with the incense all over your house or environment that you want to clean, and then let it finish burning in some central point of the house and give thanks.

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