Seven ways to spread optimism

Optimism. He can turn a seemingly negative or hopeless situation into an opportunity or a lesson to be learned. You can replace negative thoughts with something that gives you more energy and enthusiasm. And it's still able to help you overcome obstacles, move forward after a fall or stumble, and not give up just because you've faced some setbacks.

So, in addition to adding a little bit of this magic ingredient to your life, it's a good idea to spread it to everyone you know, because it's that story: you tend to get everything you give over time.

And in the short term, well, you need to enjoy the smiles while cultivating your positive thoughts. Not to mention that you improve your self-esteem when you realize you're doing the right thing. Here are seven simple tips that can help you embark on this adventure.

Just be there to support someone

Listen and share a grounded and optimistic perspective for someone in need.

At first I thought it was amazing just to let the other person breathe, in a way that he or she would shed some light on the matter at hand. So I was just standing there complete and all ears.

Often this is enough, because your presence alone will help anyone to let go of emotional tension, and analyze the issue in order to find a solution, or simply stop caring. If she or he is stuck in negative thoughts or on a roller coaster of feelings, you can help him or her by sharing a more realistic perspective on the situation.

It's important to invest in a broader point of view, so the two of you together may be able to come up with a solution or take some action.

Listen to high spirits music

Seven ways to spread optimism
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Listening to music is clearly a great way to lighten up your mood and open your eyes to new horizons.

You can do the same for the people around you. When you're with someone, put on positive music. Or upload an animated playlist on Spotify or some similar program.

Use 30 or 60 seconds of your day to greet someone

Think of something that makes the person you're with feel confident, or something about them that makes others feel grateful. So compliment her on that. That greeting can mean a lot more than you might think.

He used to smile

A smile is able to create a more pleasant and relaxed environment. This works even if you're not the type to smile a lot. Try experimenting: if you're feeling down, force a smile for 30 seconds or a minute, and see what happens to your mood.

help someone relax

Living busy with work or school leaves anyone tense and stressed, demanding too much from the emotional. It is completely understandable that this distances anyone from optimistic and constructive thinking.

So help someone relax. Suggest a picnic. Just laugh, or maybe try to go swimming in the lake or the sea. Then lie together in silence on a blanket, and watch the clouds ride for a while.

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A break like this from the hustle and bustle can work wonders for both your mood and perspective.


Seven ways to spread optimism
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

Often, a hug is much better than a smile, it is able to make us feel better and safer. Use it when needed. But don't underestimate its effect, it's amazing how a touch like that can make someone's thoughts become clearer and more optimistic.

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If someone brings a little optimism into your life, don't leave it too late. Do the same for someone else.

The secret of a better world is in the human being itself. We need a world with less hate and more love, more hope and less pain. Enough negativity. Opt for a more optimistic life, spread that way of being, and let's build — together — a more optimistic, kind and encouraging world.

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