Abalone: ​​the shell that connects us to the mystical energies of the sea

Who has never felt relaxed just remembering the smell or sound of the sea? Although there are those who prefer freshwater bodies, the ocean is a natural asset that certainly has the most loyal admirers around the world. You may not be a fan of beaches or fear the uncharted salt depths, but you've certainly felt some sort of inexplicable connection to the sea.

Whether for the grandeur, the mysteries, the beauty or the ecstatic biological diversity of this aquatic mass, at some point we all feel attracted to this body of salt water. The sea arouses the curiosity and interest of human beings from the oldest and most traditional peoples, who created various myths and tales to try to explain this natural phenomenon, to the scientists of the most advanced technologies of contemporary times, who research it incessantly.

In addition to the totalized idea of ​​the sea (when we consider its extension as a whole), we can turn our attention to smaller creatures and natural elements belonging to the ocean, which already yield a lot of subject. Among the most diverse corals and reefs of this aquatic universe, there is the abalone, a physical and living body of this environment, which is very connected to mystical and spiritual thought and which holds many meanings within its exuberant beauty. Understand!

What is abalone?

Despite being frequently and erroneously defined as “stone”, abalone is a mollusk with a flattened shell with a rounded or oval shape, which has a sequence of pores that varies between 2 and 9 holes distributed along its outer edge. Due to this peculiar shape, abalones are nicknamed “ears of the sea”.

Abalone: ​​the shell that connects us to the mystical energies of the sea
Lisa Yount / Pixabay / Me Without Borders

On the outside of the shell, the coloration varies according to its habitat, with brown and green tones being more common. The interior is covered by the famous mother-of-pearl, which resembles a real aurora borealis, as it obtains varying shades of blue, green, lilac and pink, constituting a natural tie-dye that will leave anyone with their mouths open. Some types of abalone may have more earthy and darker shades.

What is abalone used for?

Precisely because they contain this stupendous inner layer of iridescent mother-of-pearl, humans have long been engaged in taking abalone molluscs out of the sea to transform them into merchandise, whether for home decoration purposes or making jewelry and other highly profitable artifacts.

In addition, the conch is a target of gastronomic interests, as it is served fresh and dried in a common way in Cantonese cuisine and is traditionally consumed on Chinese New Year. The habit of consuming abalone came from an indigenous heritage of the peoples of North America. People from various tribes in this region looked for abalones to eat their flesh and take advantage of their shells, making them into tools and ornaments.

It was discovered, however, that abalone's functionality goes far beyond its concrete uses. Being 3 thousand times stronger than a single crystal of calcium carbonate, which is the mineral from which it is made, the abalone shell favors beauty, purifies energies and greatly increases the inner light of those who relate to it, connecting us to a transcendental atmosphere.

In the physical body, this mollusc protects and strengthens the muscular tissues, which includes all the organs of our body. It also helps with digestion, stimulates the glands and favors the absorption of proteins. Emotionally, abalone eases anxiety, stress, and feelings of anger and irritation.

What are the spiritual and mystical properties of abalone?

  • Enhances inner brightness and light;
  • Elevates spirituality;
  • Purifies the personal energy field (aura);
  • Awakens sacred feminine energies;
  • Creates an energetic connection with the spiritual forces of the seas;
  • Increases spiritual magnetism;
  • Protects against negative energies;
  • It provides a process of spiritual purification.

Therapeutic effects of abalone

For the emotional: the abalone shell, in general, helps to keep calm and ward off ailments such as anxiety and stress. It acts as a purifying crystal, alleviating negative feelings and decreasing symptoms of mental disorders, which can calm and even prevent pathologies such as depression.

Abalone: ​​the shell that connects us to the mystical energies of the sea
imfoto / 123rf

For the Spiritual: When used on the body, abalone creates a field of spiritual energy that protects and guides the individual. In addition, it elevates thoughts and feelings and potentiates inner light, emanating a personal glow that comes from the inside out.

For the physique: promotes beauty, protects and strengthens muscles. In addition to helping with internal processes of the body, such as digestion (because abalone facilitates the process of assimilating proteins), the shell also provides a feeling of well-being.

How to clean and energize abalone?

Despite being threatened with extinction, as you will understand below, the abalone shell can still be found and, if you have one in your hands, it is extremely important that you know how to handle it with due care. After all, it is necessary to understand that the abalone was taken from its habitat and that, without the necessary caution, it can lose all its features and mystical characteristics.

So sanitize it frequently, washing it in running water with sea salt for about 5 minutes and then leaving it in sunlight for 2 hours. To balance the abalone's spiritual forces, it is recommended that you also leave it in a moon bath for about 4 hours. In addition, whenever possible, take him to the sea, allowing his spiritual and therapeutic energies to be potentiated and recharged in his original environment.

Where to find abalone?

Both for the wonderful aesthetics, for the taste and even for the spiritual and energetic properties already mentioned, the abalone shell is the target of many hunts and persecutions around the world, which has caused a rapid decline in its populations. Today, the species is threatened with extinction.

Abalone: ​​the shell that connects us to the mystical energies of the sea
Fresh Seafood 24hSeamart 24hseamar / Pixabay / Eu Sem Fronteiras

Due to the cultural and historical significance that this mollusc has for indigenous peoples of America, Africa and Australia, abalone has recently received government protection and now more than 95% of its organisms come from aquaculture.

The first ban on fishing for this shellfish was in 1993 and strict regulations around hunting resulted in tons of abalones being stolen and illegally sold. A single red abalone can be sold in North America for a hundred dollars; and in South Africa some can sell for hundreds of dollars a kilo.

With this, it is evident that putting human wills above nature itself is devastating and that abalones, like any other species of living being for which we have zeal and concern, deserve to reproduce and recover in peace, save for our interests. which, near the magnitude and preciousness of the ocean, are commonplace.

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To enjoy similar benefits to the abalone shell, you can look for crystals such as black tourmaline, amethyst, aquamarine, fluorite, lapis lazuli, malachite, and moldavite, which are easy-to-make gemstones. found and that do not threaten any marine and terrestrial species. Taking care of ourselves and our spirituality is important, but we must never put it above the life of other organisms on our rich Earth! Have a good time!

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