Sense of Coherence and Health

Developing strength, courage and inner peace takes time. Don't expect quick and immediate results on the pretext that you've decided to change. Every action you take allows that decision to become effective within your heart.

Lama D. The art of happiness.

The Sense of Coherence is peculiar to the human being, a characteristic of each individual, which safeguards him from the harmful consequences of stressful situations. Faced with adversity in the social, environmental or even internal sphere of the organism, the individual uses this resource to adapt.

Sense of Coherence and Health

In 1979, the American sociologist and physician Aaron Antonovsky died, who introduced the concept of Sense of Coherence - SOC in the paradigm of Salutogenesis. He studied a number of people trying to understand why some stayed healthy while others fell ill being subjected to the same stressful situations.

Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence is composed of three items, Understanding, Handling and Meaning.

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Comprehension is the global orientation expressed in a person's ability to trust that stimuli from the environment are structured, predictable and explainable.

Stewardship is credibility in your ability to manage and make a positive impact on life through available resources.

Meaning is the understanding that life has meaning and purpose. (two)

We can relate understanding with thinking, Management with the sphere of acting, solving the issues of practical life and Meaning with the sphere of feeling, the meaning of my existence is not thought, but felt in the heart.

Studies show that there is an inverse relationship between SOC and the level of stress and a better ability to deal with it. It has been shown that people with a strong SOC have a good perception of their health and better quality of life, as well as less fatigue, depression, loneliness and anxiety compared to those with a weak SOC (3).

Sense of Coherence and Health

With experience in the homeopathic clinic, I observe that people with weak SOC get sick more than others who show strong SOC. This is a universal attribute of the human being, it makes no distinction as to gender, color, race, social condition or intellectual level.

During the homeopathic consultation, we try to understand the cause(s) of the illness, considering the individuality of each patient, valuing the referred symptoms, the way of acting, thinking, feeling, which have modalities, aggravation and improvement, location, intensity, different start and remission times. This unique, individualized approach makes Homeopathy not just a science, but also an art.

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