Meaning of number 8 in numerology

Year in, year out; one empire rises, another falls; wars are fought and agreed, but one thing is certain, a clear rule in this very diverse world: it is not possible for any human society to live without the strong presence of numbers. They are the main responsible for the functioning of all sciences and technologies invented by man; we spent the day looking at the time, calendars and agendas, as well as the temperature; we depend on addresses, highways and telephone numbers. This dependence of societies on this form of language and science has existed since antiquity.

Did you also know that numbers wield strong spiritual power and have rich meanings that can be read in light of pseudoscientific knowledge like Astrology and Numerology? And about the specific numbers: have you ever stopped to think what the number 8 can mean in Numerology?

People who believe in Numerology have a vast literature on the subject and believe that numeral graphic signs can mean our mediation with superior beings (gods, entities in transit between planes, angels, etc.). In this way, important advice for everyone's journey of self-knowledge, whether believers in Numerology or not, can reside within the numbers. Because we live surrounded by them, we often don't notice these signs. If you are interested in contacts with spiritual beings, be aware of everything that numbers can offer you. Learn about their energies and meanings.

Do you like number 8? In ancient Cantonese culture, he is associated with fortune, being the luckiest number in China. In the Tarot de Marseille, card number 8 represents balance, justice and completeness. Have you ever stopped to think if it's not he who governs your energies? Learn more about the number eight according to Numerology.

Meaning of Number 8 in Numerology

Visually, the number eight already reminds us of balance and mediation between two distinct poles.
For Numerology, according to the tradition of a vast experience from an extensive literature, the eight is strongly linked to victory, overcoming and prosperity. It is the number of people who know how to manage their savings well, who know how to handle money well. In this way, the energy emanating from those ruled by the number is that of responsible people who are able to reach their goals in a centered way.

The enrichment associated with the eight can take many forms and fronts. The most common is to interpret this reading for the monetary side, which actually happens, but the ambition of the eight can lead the ruled to reach several goals successfully, be they in other ways.

Meaning of number 8 in numerology
Miguel A. Godfather / Pexels

for spirituality

Numerology uses different sources, such as Feng Shui, Christianity, esotericism and spirituality. Eight is a number that immediately reminds us of the balance of two similar forces, or even two halves of a whole, halves that need an axis to function mutually. It is because of this balance of forces and energies that number eight people tend to succeed in life.

Self-confidence in interpersonal relationships and at work is a common characteristic among these people. Another meaning for the number eight, popularly, is that of infinity. This is because the number looks like the Mรถbius Tape, a geometric representation of the encounter between two tapes, an experiment that defines the impossibility of finding an origin point and an end point, as with circles. However, the eight carries several characteristics that can be read in the key of both positivity and negativity.

positive features

The self-confidence and focus of those ruled by the number eight are two of the main positive traits. The number channels energies that represent those who are naturally born endowed with an innovative spirit of leadership and control. They are people who centralize positions of power, as they are able to face challenging situations that involve major changes and key decisions. Although the eight centralizes power, its energy is not individualistic โ€“ it may be, but it does not take this characteristic as intrinsic.

negative characteristics

Among the negative points of the energies of the number eight is the propensity for ambitious thinking, in the bad sense of the term. We know that ambition is necessary to reach goals and reach levels that were initially unattainable. The problem is when it becomes limitless, what you can't do, being a number eight person, is go over everything and everyone to reach the desired paths. Arrogance and authority are sides that can arise if there is not a balance between the energetic sides of the eight.

Number 8 not Universe

Thinking about positive and negative points brings us to the balance of the Universe. Everything needs to be composed by both sides for it to work. Have you ever thought about how the number 8 spreads in space and in nature? Eight is cosmic balance in its most sacred and visual form. The message is conveyed from the moment we see the numeral representation of eight. Two poles that meet and mix, they are so aligned and balanced.

The number has the value of mediation between the triangle and the square, between the material (earth) and spiritual (sky) planes, between forces that meet and complement each other in constant and mysterious dialogue, thus symbolizing true justice, and not a mere representation of justice mediated only by human societies and their laws. The lying eight is infinity.

In the Bible, the number eight represents the renewal of Christ and his resurrection, it is referred to the New Testament.

Meaning of seeing number 8 repeatedly

The Universe places numbers in our lives at all times. To look at the sky is to measure the distance, the heat of life, the inexistence of emptiness and our size with numbers. When one of them is repeated in our daily lives, it is a strong spiritual sign. Be aware of the messages that may be being played by God, angels and other superior entities. But what does it mean to see the number 8 repeatedly? According to Numerology, this fact symbolizes that you need to examine your surroundings, check for problems involving authorities. How is your relationship with the head of your work? What about the teacher at school or university? How are your relationships with your parents or children? Rethink all this and do a deep reflection on the topic.

Number 8 on the clock

The repetition of numbers is commonly associated with the clock. So have you ever noticed if the eight repeats itself when you, in the rush of the day, usually look at the time?

Seeing equal times is certainly a message from the higher beings and guardians of all of us, so stay tuned and see if this occurs with a certain frequency. The recurrence of the number eight on the clock can indicate a very important need for self-reflection: are you really being fair in the choices you are making? Seeing equal hours with the number eight (08:08) can be an opportunity to regain emotional balance between your personal relationships and the divisions of work and studies around you.

It is important to perform these self-reflection exercises so as not to overwhelm yourself in the future. Spirit guides are always on the lookout for this โ€“ don't let these tips go unnoticed.

angel number 8

As repeated numbers can be sent by the protective angels, have you ever stopped to think that even guardians are impacted and defined through numbers? The angel symbolized by the eight can be considered the bearer of a strong message of strength and encouragement for his protรฉgรฉs. It says that you must stand firm and with positive thinking, that life balances are working properly. Angels of the number 8 work towards your personal balance and protect you from greed and arrogance stricken by exaggeration.

Number 8 not Feng Shui

Meaning of number 8 in numerology
Miguel A. Godfather / Pexels

In Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese pseudoscience, which seeks harmony through the energetic vibrations of objects, the eight carries a vibration of prosperity and leadership, capable of leading to fortune and success. That's why it's such a cult number in eastern countries, like China and Japan. According to experts in Feng Shui, the eight has the power to activate the organization and management that make the place of residence or work very good and, with discipline, to develop the material side. Well, the 8 can be read in the light of various cultures and ways of life. Think about your energy you too.

What can we learn from the number 8?

With the number eight, we can feel the balance of the Universe and that both the positive and negative sides need each other, as they coexist simultaneously within your consciousness. Does this number repeat itself a lot in your life? Your mobile number, your address, your ageโ€ฆ what is the influence of the energy of that number on your days? Perhaps it is time to pay more attention and use all the balance that the number 8 teaches us.

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Be a person focused on goals without getting lost in the imbalance of life. Bring the energy of eight into your days and pay attention to the renewals brought by positive ambition. Stand firm and observing the laws of the Universe, including those that come from numbers.

Keep learning about the meaning of numbers

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