Sending love to the baby in the womb

    Evidence of fetal learning reveals that the fetus has memory. There are any number of possible reasons why he should have memory; perhaps a memory not as complex as an adult's or even a child's, but sufficient to facilitate the baby's progress in the world after birth. The possible functions that have been raised are: practice, recognition and connection with the mother, breastfeeding and language acquisition.

    Sending love to the baby in the womb

    Let's start at the beginning. A mother is waiting for her baby, this little being whowhich is one of God's creations. The baby's brain is developing, and everything the mother says and feels will influence the child's future life.

    From the moment of conception, you are aware of everything around you. sThe mother's feelings, emotions and beliefs are often passed on to the baby in the womb. Traumatic thoughts, feelings of being unloved, of being completely dominated and other stresses can be felt by the baby and affect their noradrenaline and serotonin levels. Alcohol and drug use also affect the mental health and physical development of the fetus. Some babies start out as twins, but nature allows only a third of the twins conceived to be born. This sometimes causes absolute loneliness in the remaining twin. Abortion experiences also affect the individual.

    The ThetaHealing® exercise “Sending Love to the Baby in the Womb” is an amazing healing process. You can run it on yourself, your children, and your parents. Like a man or a woman, you have the right to give love to your child while he was in the womb.

    Perhaps you can also practice this exercise for your own parents, realizing, however, that they are free to accept it or not. If you are a therapist, you must have your patient's verbal consent to perform this exercise. Many diseases are affected by this exercise and perhaps can be simply eliminated, such as: fetal alcohol syndrome, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder, autism and compulsive disorder.

    After performing this “Send Love to the Baby in the Womb” exercise, you will still understand negative emotions and reprogram your subconscious with true love. During the exercise, many memories may surface. Don't let yourself be involved in the drama of feelings, stay focused.

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