Self-love and how you can change your life

This article was written to say that self-love can indeed change your life. Everything challenging, negative, painful can be transformed or pushed away if you love yourself, be kind to yourself, and accept yourself as a whole being. My name is Magda G. Silva, I am a holistic therapist, historian and founder of Portal Ser Plenitude. I have been working since 2016 with the issues of self-love, worthiness and relationships.

In fact, life is incredibly simple, as everything we think and feel creates our reality. Thoughts can perfectly well be changed. But where do these thoughts and feelings come from? And how can we modify them? If we know this, we will have the key to transforming our lives.

You may have heard of positive thinking, but it's a little more than that. Since childhood, we are conditioned to think in certain ways, according to our family, friends and society in general. When we become autonomous, adults, we become responsible for our experiences, but such experiences happen according to our worldview, our limiting beliefs about ourselves.

Self-love and how you can change your life
 Giulia Bertelli / Unsplash

If our limiting beliefs tell us that we are not capable, we are not smart, we are not whole, our world will be a reflection of that. What you choose to think about yourself and life is exactly what your life will become. So the key is to free ourselves from these unloving thoughts and install loving, sweet, successful thoughts about ourselves in our subconscious. We must free ourselves from the past, from remorse, from anger and frustration, from everything that prevents us from having a full life, with love and abundance.

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You can do this cleansing through guided meditations, holistic techniques, repetition exercises. For example, stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself and repeat looking into your eyes, β€œI'm beautiful, capable and lucky. I attract all the good to my life.” It may sound easy, but it's an excellent exercise in self-love. This exercise works through the method of positive affirmations, but you can also change limiting beliefs through holistic therapies. The important thing is that you unlock your life, flooding it with self-love.

On my YouTube channel called BEING Plenitude there is a meditation that installs in you the feeling and sensation of Self-Love on all levels of your physical, energetic, mental and spiritual body.

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