Scavenging Osho 2 – The Moon

In this video, Nisargan, from Espaço Presença, investigates the same sentence by Osho that was chosen by two different people for him to comment on. The sentence is as follows: “The master is a finger pointing to the moon. Don't just look at the finger. Look directly at the Moon. He who only looks at his finger loses the moon.”

Osho's own phrase already indicates that the finger is the master, its presence, its physiognomy, its voice, its charisma...

But in this sentence, Osho does not say what the Moon is. For the people who were with him, in his presence, listening to his speeches live, Nisargan thinks the vast majority of them understood what the Moon was, at least intellectually: "The master is the finger pointing to the Moon."

What is the Moon? That's the big question. That's the big key. Look directly at the Moon, taste the Moon!

Scavenging Osho 2 – The Moon
Callum Hilton/Pexels

For all that Osho has said, in Nisargan's perception, the Moon is the awareness attentive to the present moment. Being in Osho's physical presence, that's what Nisargan felt

the master encouraged him at all times: “Wake up, pay attention, you are in this moment! Don't sleep, just pay attention to what's going on, whatever it is!"

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In this insistent message from the master, it is clear that we don't need to manipulate anything, that we don't need to decide anything, just pay attention to what's happening! And in that paying attention, there is the natural flow driven by inner wisdom. However, it's good to be clear: wisdom will only manifest if you are really aware of the present moment, being the neutral observer of what is happening here and now.

That awareness is you. You are the moon! In other words, you, in essence, are consciousness itself.

So are you paying attention to what is happening right now? Do you understand that you are the Moon? Watch the video and try to awaken more and more consciousness, in this incredible process, which is going from a crescent moon to a full moon.

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