Sannyas – Stories with Osho

    Sannyas – Stories with Osho

    Hi! This is another video of the series “Stories with Osho”, and the subject today is Sannyas. To be a sannyazen means to be a disciple of Osho, but a disciple not in the sense of obeying, but in the sense of someone who is inspired, who is receptive to Osho's energy field. For you to ask for sannyas, it is necessary that there is an inner call, a desire for energetic approach to Osho or Osho's energy field.

    Okay, the background here is that to be a sannyazen, before there were four conditions, but today there is only one condition. It is important for us to know that there is a condition that was the only internal one of the previous ones and was the only one that survived. I won't go into details and explain why Osho gave the other conditions. I have a confidence and a feeling for what I've lived through, fulfilling these conditions, that they've really been very constructive for me, very strong and profound. But it doesn't matter, because really this is his thing and I'm not going to make too many assumptions about it.

    The conditions were: We had to wear orange or reddish clothing. It could be lilac, it could be pink, within that spectrum, and we had to wear all the clothes, not just some, they were all! My wardrobe only had colors like that!

    Another condition was to wear the mala, which was a necklace with a photo of Osho. Another condition was to change the name. However, this was not a mandatory condition. Today is different, today we registered ourselves to be and chose the name, before we received it and the condition was that we change it, but this was not mandatory…

    To check out the rest of the content, watch the video.

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