Dreams under review

Dreams under review



- Part I -

Have you ever had a dream with a soundtrack?

Well, today's topic is exactly that. And with the delicious song “Kiss from a Rose”, by Seal. It is interesting to observe the movements of the psyche and the signals it sends us, especially through dreams and these “sound tracks”.

In this text, I would like to consider some ideas and possibilities as elucidative answers for the feminine, starting from an internal instance of the woman: the Animus.

The Animus corresponds to the male figures within the woman, which appear in female dreams. When a woman dreams of these male figures, for example, it means that she is communicating with this internal instance, which is projected out of her dreams, constellating itself in her real life through the male figures that men represent to her as female figure in general:

• Boys (Children's Animus);

• Young wooers and in love with her (Animus puer, irresponsible or seductive trickster);

• Adult (mature Animus, which may be a representative image of a more sacred instance);

• Or old (the wise old man or the senex, the curmudgeon, the interdictor, the authority figure).

This Animus can be constellated in the form of a son, a man, a male member of the family, like a brother, a boss, but, in general, the first contact with the Animus that a woman has is with someone who represents her. the paternal image.

Generally, dreams work in sync with a certain group, they can sync with people who work in the same company, in the family group or in any other form of social group. This means that dreams are the result of a message that the collective psyche is engendering for a particular group, and in addition to the collective adjustments, each member's individual dream will reflect the individual adjustments that he or she in particular dreamed of, once that dreams are a regulatory function of the human psyche.

Therefore, we have circumstances, in the case of women, in which the Animus can present itself to a female group in order to communicate some symbol, which will be translated by that group and by each woman in particular: as a need to take aspects in herself. , a female heroic quest to harmonize with the circumstances presented by this dream Animus. And each particular dream will also communicate to the others aspects that they did not perceive or that were not presented to them in their personal dreams.

In this text, I share a response from a “considerate Animus” who wants to communicate with their *Anima. He wants to send you a message, tell you something very important: he exists. And he is active, looking for her inside of her.

This realization came to me through a client who reported a sequence of interconnected dreams, as if one were a continuation of the previous chapter, however, in this sequence of articles separated into four parts, I share only the conclusion, to make our comparative analysis easier, when we approach the issue of the female differentiation of the atavistic Animus (the dismissive, the childish, the “Bluebeard” or the “Puer”), very present in the current female unconscious, where films like 50 Shades of Gray are successful and make it “normal” the disregard of the masculine: we were born and live in a patriarchal society with “some parameters” matrifocal, but the issues of equity in relationships do not change much.

So, next week, we'll delve deeper into the topic through Seal's beautiful music, with O Beijo de uma Rosa! Until then!


*Anima: Inner feminine aspect of man

**Animus: Inner masculine aspect of the woman

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