sand ferns

    One afternoon on the beach I molded two shapes in the sand. Different forms of themselves. After a few minutes of waiting, they finally came to life.

    Glad I told them how they were fruits of my creation.

    Both looked at me in amazement and not understanding. I was ready to tell them more about where they came from and what they were, but I was interrupted by my mother's call. It was time to go. I said goodbye to the two new beings and left.

    The poor creatures were left alone.

    They soon noticed each other's presence. They started talking. Who are you? asked the first. The question had a profound effect on him and he replied – I don't know! And who are you? - And this one didn't know how to answer it either.

    sand ferns

    They started looking around and naming things. They saw water, trees, clouds, birds and sand. After naming everything they could see and notice, they named themselves. The first called itself a cube and the second a sphere.

    Now they had names for themselves that set them apart from all the rest. After a while, they started to focus too much on these differences and, because they didn't find anything that was so similar to them, they started to feel special. They believed they were more important than everything around them.

    But this growing arrogance did not stop there. Both began to notice the differences between them. Soon they began to argue about their forms and each one argued that his would be superior to the other. A rivalry arose that gradually turned into hatred.

    sand ferns

    Neither of them admitted any good in the other. And in that war, hours passed. They closed their eyes to the beauties around them and to their own, all that mattered was to prove his superiority over the other.

    They didn't even notice the sun go down and the tide rise. Tide that caught up with them and tore them apart at once. They fell apart and without even noticing they abandoned existence. And in their brief passage through that world they called the beach, they went back to being sand, never realizing what sand they always were.

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