Don't set expectations: 7 behaviors you NEED to stop expecting from others

Don't set expectations: 7 behaviors you NEED to stop expecting from others

In general, life is difficult just by existing, and the fact that some of us feel the need to place extremely unthinkable expectations on someone else is ridiculous.

Some of us really believe that perfection exists out there somewhere in the world. However, we are completely out of luck on this treasure hunt.

That's not how things work, expecting everyone to be perfect based on their image is pure insanity, we shouldn't force our beliefs and values ​​on others, as if that's the only way to exist in this world.

It is also important to recognize that harboring these kinds of unrealistic expectations can make it much more difficult for us to find true happiness in our lives.

Here are 7 behaviors you can't expect from others:

1. People are not always the same

One of the most important things to understand is that not everyone is the same after one, two or three years, and expecting people to be exactly the same the first time you saw them is a really bad idea.

People change all the time for obvious reasons: they were the best choices they could make at any given time in their lives. Turning against them for this is a very cruel thing to do, and you could end up losing great friends, all because of that expectation.

2. They won't always understand you

Just because people don't understand what you're going through in your life doesn't mean they don't care about you.

If a person is not able to understand something you have had to face, it is not their fault. Unfortunately, even if there is someone on the same journey as you, they will hardly understand where you came from and everything you went through. The objectives may be similar, but the adventure is different for everyone.

3. Sometimes, no one will hold your hand

Life is full of adversity, and it's impossible to expect everyone to offer you a shoulder to lean on when times get tough. You need to be willing to accept the fact that you are an individual person, and that you are more than capable of handling a critical situation on your own.

Accept the times when people are generous enough to help you and then notice the times when you are completely on your own. This is not to say that they don't want to help you, but that it was not a good time for them to be able to offer you any kind of assistance.

4. They won't always agree with you

Expecting everyone to agree with everything you say is crazy. There are always going to be a lot of different perspectives in the world that aren't the same as yours, and you're going to have to deal with those other points of view whether you like it or not.

There is more than one way to analyze a situation, and expecting everyone to agree with your way of thinking is surreal. It is important that you learn how to be malleable in conversation.

5. People don't read your mind

Expecting others to know what you want and how you want it is surreal, because in reality not everyone can read minds.

It is important that you are open to expressing what you are feeling, saying what you want, and how you want it. In general, just being able to communicate normally and honestly is a great way to say what you want.

6. People are not perfect

Expecting people to be perfect is probably the biggest and most absurd expectation in the entire world. Nobody is perfect and to think that there is someone capable of being, will end up running the Earth for a long time.

You need to be willing to accept people's differences, no matter what their bodies are like or where they come from. Human beings are unable to adjust to their flaws, and instead they end up learning to deal with them, because that's their essence. Why expect others to be someone they are not?

7. Not everyone can live together

Waiting for everyone to live together is another one of the most surreal expectations in the world. Do you really think people wouldn't love to have their lives together in a snap?

Many people would kill just for a little stability, it's hard enough for them to have their friends and family try to bury their emotions simply by expecting too much from them.

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It is important to recognize that not everyone is qualified to live together, and probably for several good reasons.

I hope this has helped you to recognize some of the more flawed and surreal expectations we tend to place on each other. Maybe one of your friends or family does some of these things.

Let them know that having these kinds of expectations will only drive other people away.

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