sacred male

Man doesn't cry. Man is the provider. Man cannot be effeminate. Man does not show love. Man is firm. Man is leader. Man has no frills.

How many phrases like this have you heard in your life? The women's liberation of the last few decades has exposed not only the oppressions of women, but also those of men. There has never been so much talk about the stereotypes that limit them and make them believe that they are less than they can be.

But while women connect with their ancestry through the sacred feminine, men are still in their infancy talking about their feelings. So why not also stimulate the sacred masculine? In fact, what are these “sacred” ones and what are they for? Read on and find out!

What is the sacred masculine?

Before talking about the sacred masculine, let's better understand the feminine. You may have heard a “good vibes” friend talk about this lifestyle. Basically, the philosophy is to bring the female figure closer to her roots, that is, to understand her strength, her cycles and her connection with nature in a movement of consciousness expansion.

sacred male
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In the case of the sacred masculine, the idea is the same: to make men access their ancestral energies in a healthier and more complete way, using the whole body and soul for a life of fullness. It's a way to get to know yourself better and use all your power, without repressing what you feel.

But whoever thinks that only women can benefit from the sacred feminine and only men from the sacred masculine is mistaken. These energies go far beyond sex, gender, or even sexual orientation. Understand:

Yin Yang: How to balance male and female energy?

According to Taoism and Traditional Chinese Medicine, every individual has within himself two opposing energies that complement each other. They are the famous Yin and Yang. Yin has to do with the Moon, darkness, night, cold and wetness; Yang represents the masculine, the Sun, clarity, day, hot and dry.

So are emotions—happiness and sadness, love and hate, truth or lie—and the sacred.

Both the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine can be used by men and women so that they can live as fully as possible. From the first, we can take the welcome, the beauty, the delicacy, the creation. From the second, proactivity, impetuosity, action and strength. Together, they help us to relate to ourselves and others in the best possible way.

Using just one of these energies, the chance of becoming an incomplete person, lost and surrendered to addictions, such as using drugs and alcoholism to escape reality, is even greater. Especially in the case of men, socialized to be violent and aggressive, it is necessary to find a way to vent their own feelings. But how to do this? Let's learn together:

How to heal the sacred masculine?

To keep these two energies in balance and regain the sacred masculine within you, there are some steps that can be taken in your daily life. I warn you that it won't be easy, but once you get it, the result is practically immediate!

  • Find your sacred masculine: Family, relationship, work, hobbies… Discover what brings vitality to your routine.
  • Listen carefully: It is not enough to listen, you have to listen to what other people say and reflect on it.
  • Don't repress what you feel: It's okay to have a bad day. Vent and look for ways to get your bad feelings out.
  • Seek help: If you think that's the case, don't listen to the prejudices connected with therapy. It can be very helpful in healing the sacred masculine.
  • Show what you want: Allow yourself to express whatever comes to mind—always with respect and empathy, of course.
  • Do what you want to do, not what others want you to do: Don't go by common sense. There is no such thing as a “woman thing” or “man thing”. Follow your heart.
  • Respect your rhythm: Don't blame yourself or compare yourself. Everyone has their own time and it needs to be understood.
  • Try to be a reference: If you haven't had someone in your life that you consider a good example, be your greatest example yourself.
  • Approach other men with the same goal: Talk and understand what it's like to be a man for each of them. This mutual support will make them rethink their attitudes and get closer and closer to healthy masculinity.
sacred male
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Last but perhaps one of the most important tips: know your cycles and connect with them. For women, this step is perhaps easier, given that practically their entire lives are governed by menstrual cycles, for example. Men, on the other hand, are intimately connected with the Sun and the seasons. Follow:

  • Winter: Archetype of Death and Rebirth. It is a moment of introspection, with a strong feminine influence, in which nature has a renewing effect.
  • Spring Season: Inner Child Archetype. It is the best phase to propose changes and bet on growth.
  • Summer: Archetype of the great father, warrior. It is the point of greatest energy and power for man.
  • Autumn: Archetype of the elder, mage, sage. It is a withdrawal phase to connect with intuition and revitalize.

To better control these energy fluctuations, Solar Diary or Solar Map are very useful, as they work as a kind of record of feelings at each stage. By doing this, you will see many benefits in all areas of your life, as we will see below.

The healed sacred masculine

When the individual is able to not only connect with the masculine essence, but also balance it with the feminine energy within himself, he is able to:

  • Honor the figure of the woman;
  • Prioritize sisterhood and cooperation over competitiveness;
  • Choosing life mates for connection, not appearance;
  • Act healthy in your sexual relationships;
  • Accept your own vulnerability;
  • Take responsibility for your relationships;
  • Adhere to conscious consumption and sustainability;
  • Understand the cycles of life with greater awareness and stability;
  • Aging with respect to oneself and others;
  • Break with patterns and stereotypes.

Great, but during this whole process, where to get information? How do you know what the next steps are? Continue reading:

Where to learn about the sacred masculine?

Below, you can check out some content tips that talk exactly about the rescue of the sacred masculine. Enjoy:

Books about the sacred masculine

For those who like a good read, check out some important works on the subject:

“The Book of Men”

Written by Osho, the work defines man from various types (father, son, boyfriend, husband, etc.) and reflects how masculine energies aimed at destruction can be transformed into personal evolution with meditation techniques and other practical tips.

“Beyond the Hero”

To demystify the idea that the man is always the hero, Alan B. Chinen unveils other male roles and discusses the new male personalities that have been debated in recent decades.

YouTube channels about sacred masculine

If you are more into audiovisual, you can also learn by watching videos:

Charles Cassau

With several videos related to self-knowledge and expansion of consciousness, Carlos Cassau addresses the pressures imposed on men and women and how to overcome them with mind transformation exercises.

Access Carlos Cassau's channel

“Modern Man's Handbook”

With a youthful and relaxed language, the “Manual do Homem Moderno” talks lightly about the limitations that male figures are subjected to on a daily basis, whether at work, in relationships or in the family — and what to do to change.

Access the Manual of Modern Man channel

Podcasts on Sacred Masculine

Now, if you're more of the team that prefers to learn by listening to a podcast while doing the dishes, listen:


Designed for all types of men, regardless of their identification or sexual orientation, MEMOH encourages them to rethink their attitudes and build together a new masculinity, without depending on women to teach them everything.

Be a man!

In the same vein as MEMOH, the podcast Seja Homem! is performed by men in the process of deconstruction. During the episodes, they discuss various topics that keep those trying to get rid of toxic masculinity at sleep.

Influencers who talk about the sacred masculine

And if you like to mirror yourself and have examples on your social networks, follow this influencer:

Gustavo Tanaka

Writer and founder of the Brotherhood, a sharing and discussion group on masculinity, Gustavo Tanaka is a great scholar of the sacred masculinity, non-violent masculinity and intuitive writing. On his Instagram profile, he shares his findings on the matter.

Access Gustavo Tanaka's Instagram

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Did you like these tips? So this is the time to stop procrastinating and start putting into practice everything you've learned about healing the sacred masculine. You can no longer be stuck with an archaic ideal of masculinity. Transform!

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