Sacred Feminine – Respecting the sacredness of the body

In the rescue of feminine spirituality, honoring the body and respecting it is one of the main ways of living the Sacred Feminine, as it represents the woman's personal temple, where there are manifestations of feminine energy.

Due to the modern era and the need to meet social standards, many women end up feeling obligated to meet these external demands at the expense of their natural well-being.

Looking at the female body as a sacred temple is something ancestral that was abandoned, due to changes in civilization and the fall of matriarchy, causing women to lose this way of seeing themselves, submitting to mutilations and sacrifices, especially meeting male requirements.

Even women who have Aphrodite's charms are not satisfied with their appearance, they always look for some way to complain and look for practical ways to change their natural.

Sacred Feminine – Respecting the sacredness of the body
Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels

These attitudes drive women away from their sacredness. This does not mean that there should be a lack of zeal for one's appearance, but that honoring the body as sacred and respecting it, accepting its nature, promotes feelings of balance and well-being in women.

So that you can identify if you honor the sacredness of your body, observe how you take care of yourself, if you treat your body based on what β€œothers will think” or if you take care of your beauty according to what you believe and feel safe in. take care of yourself like that.

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The beauty factor is currently one of the main factors of low self-esteem in women, causing insecurities not only in their relationships, but also in their positioning in life.

I propose a practical exercise to honor the sacredness of the body.

You will need:

  • Paper and pen
  • A metal container preferably
  • A handful of dried herbs

First, choose a place where you will not be disturbed, with paper and pen, reflect on all the concepts you have about being a woman, which of them are negative and have negative messages regarding your appearance, talent, ability.

Sacred Feminine – Respecting the sacredness of the body
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels

Write all these messages on the sheet of paper, keeping in mind that these affirmations are no longer part of your life.

Throw the paper and the handful of herbs from the container and imagine at this moment that the fire is removing these concepts from your being, feel that these affirmations are being eliminated.

After that, take a purification bath (calendula, jasmine and hibiscus) and mentalize each part of your body that until then was rejected, receive it lovingly, making peace with the sacred.

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