Sacred Feminine: An Encounter with the Wild Woman

“Healthy wolves and healthy women have certain psychic traits in common: keen perception, playful spirit, and a high capacity for devotion. Wolves and women are gregarious by nature, curious, endowed with great stamina and strength. They are deeply intuitive and have great concern for their puppies, their partner and their pack. They are experienced in adapting to changing circumstances. They have fierce determination and extreme courage.” (Clarissa Pinkola Estés)

The word sacred comes from the Latin “sacrum”, which means something to be venerated, respected, admired and with a deep connection to the gods and temples. Sacred is what we are: . We are special, strong and at the same time delicate, courageous, free, spontaneous and aware of our weaknesses. We have intuition as a guide and inner wisdom as a lighthouse at sea. We are life and death, ingenious and curious. We have the power to create, teach, welcome, care, protect, love, restore and transform.

The desire to have greater connection with ourselves is sought by all, regardless of age, color or ethnicity, and the “re”connection with us is the understanding of our phases, moments, traumas, fears, blocks, limiting beliefs, feelings and emotions. . It is a process of self observation, and in this way we activate our inner healer and, thus, we become the main responsible for our healing and modification.

Turning to private healing resources is triggering our wisdom and taking a big step towards inner transformation and empowerment. Realizing that the outside world is a mirror of the inner world allows us to change our reality more easily, because it all depends on ourselves. As the great Gandhi wisely said: “When the soul is happy, prosperity grows, health improves, friendships increase, in short, the world is at ease with you. The outer world reflects the inner universe.” Well, everything is inside.

We have within us all the strength necessary to modify and color life with the colors we want, as we are endowed with a great capacity for overcoming, determination and courage. These gifts allow us to simply step out of the victim position and co-create our reality and thus become the Owner of Yourself.

Sacred Feminine: An Encounter with the Wild Woman
Camille Brodard ~ Kmile Feminine Creative Designer / Unsplash

The path of self-knowledge is the search for our best version. It is the path of the heart and intuition. And in this great dive, we will have infinite surprises, and the greatest gift is the encounter with yourself, with your feminine essence. Your soul. Your Wild Woman.

The wild woman is one who dares to follow her heart, intuition and perception. She provokes power, dares to scream and also dominates silence. The wolf finds strength within herself and searches her innermost resources. She exercises dominion over herself and recognizes her limits and shadows.

This woman walks in the dark valleys of herself with eyes open to the truth and is not intimidated by her wounds. She faces, heals and carries the scars of life with her and thus remains proud of the woman she is.

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The werewolf is in you and to find her it is necessary to search, excavate the masks we wear so much and remove the layers. She is your essence. She is you and she is waiting for this meeting. “The archetype of the Wild Woman, and all that lies behind it, is the benefactor of all painters, writers, sculptors, dancers, thinkers, mourners, all who seek and all who find, for they are all dedicated to invent, and that is the Wild Woman's main occupation. Like all art, it is visceral, not cerebral. She knows how to track and run, summon and repel. She knows how to feel, disguise and love deeply. It is intuitive, typical and normative. It is absolutely essential to a woman's mental and spiritual health..” (Clarissa Pinkola Estes)

We women are amazing, sensitive and sensitive, wise and sacred, complete and with a sublime power within us. This encounter with your wholeness is totally innovative and it is already available.

Sacred Feminine: An Encounter with the Wild Woman
Brittani Burns / Unsplash

Looking inside is waking up. It's waking up to the wild woman. Living the Sacred Feminine is exhaling its essence. It's being yourself. It's being authentic feminine.

This is a date with someone very special: you!

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