Keep your good energies

For this fear that terrifies, paralyzes, confuses the mind and freezes the emotions, there is no definite cause. It is a collection of stifled feelings, beliefs, patterns, memories and fragments of the past. Internal situations that no longer serve and that need to be extravasated, to reveal themselves, to be transformed into a new reality.

You can start by making a list by answering the following questions:

  • What am I afraid of? From who?
  • What do I believe I am?
  • What do I think and feel about people?
  • What do I hope and think about the future?

Answer honestly, without judgment. The greater the sincerity, the more likely you are to perceive the beliefs, feelings, and patterns that are shaping your life. Read aloud. Observe your physical reactions as you read. Reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of your way of thinking, feeling and acting in recent years.

Keep your good energies

What do you want to change? Start the change with the easiest.

Strengthen faith. Remember, you are not alone. Count on the support, reception and support of those who love you โ€“ visible and invisible.

Strategic stops during the day to observe the entry and exit of air through the nostrils help a lot. Determine with perseverance the image. To imagine that they are being broken up, as if they were sugar stones in the water, and then eliminated through the urine. This can be a way to dissolve crystallized emotions of fear.

Keep your good energies

Awaken the power of realization. You are insecure and don't trust your power to accomplish and transform. Start slowly, slowly. The need to learn, overcome and obtain a new opportunity to perform, made him be generated, born. This is the greatest power of realization, which we have forgotten. We distance ourselves from the driving force, from confidence, from the certainty of achieving.

From the conviction that we were never alone. We have a plan to fulfill. This plan was not enforced. We are not condemned but predestined to do it. Abandon the feeling of victim, pessimism, accommodation and procrastination, to be reborn from the ashes a new being.

What needs to be done in your life right now?

See yourself in a circle. You are at the center of this circle. Imagine that it is the field of your life. The field contains the areas of: work, finance, love relationship, social, family, spirituality, health and body.

Look at each area, without criticism or judgment, and ask each one, "What do you need right now?"

Keep your good energies

Quiet the mind and listen to your inner wisdom. For your spirit to carry out the plan of life, it needs an address (body), strong, resistant, dynamic, active. Take care of your health with good food, physical activity, emotional strengthening and mental peace.

There is a natural fear of change, of the new. Even if there were guarantees that on the other side of the door there is light, the natural flow of light, as we cannot see beyond this door, the fear of opening it is natural. So you need a determined decision.

You already know what your key is, you're already right in front of the door.

Keep your good energies

Life in the current situation loses meaning because it doesn't matter anymore, it doesn't offer more learning. It also doesn't offer more conquests, nor a clear vision of a future because the door is far ahead, it is symbolic, but there is an energy that separates the evolutionary cycles and it is there.

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When making the decision to live a new life, obstacles that are not real crumble. The force surrounds and supplies your body again and projects you to the new walk, you need to decide, keep the decision firm and active.

Hold on to God's hands and go! You need to look for peace, close the doors to external situations and find, reconnect with your spiritual strength.

Keep your good energies

You are wearing yourself out a lot with indecisions, insecurities and fears. Whenever there is fear of proceeding, of the new moment, of the true transformation, only you know the forces capable of stopping you and justifying this possible giving up. It is these forces that you will attract. Think about it before you get angry.

See if, unconsciously, you are being driven by pride. Out of pride, you are afraid of what others will think or say. Out of pride, you are afraid of the judgments of others and your own judgments.

He has beliefs that if this situation is happening like this, it is due to failure, negligence, irresponsibility. Take full blame. And more secretly, he believes that because of this, he needs punishment.

Keep your good energies

You need to surrender, let go of all this weight, get out over all this wreckage, breathe lighter and relieved, look ahead, to the broad and clear, only then will you be able to reflect with better lucidity. You will also realize that practically all the unbearable pressure you are feeling is not from others, nor from outside, it is from your own internal demands.

How are you going to walk forward if the mind that is pulling you back is the one who determines our steps?

There are two paths for you to proceed: either you free the mind from the past and this is done through knowledge and constant vigilance or you free the spirit from the prisons of the mind and this is done through meditation. The trapped mind itself wants difficult, complex, impactful solutions, and it keeps looking for them, it keeps inventing, but that just keeps this cycle of limiting beliefs.

Close the doors through which darkness enters. Don't be left alone. Be your constant good company.

Self-observation to filter what you allow yourself to absorb: โ€œYes, I want that.โ€; "No, that I don't want." โ€“ whether thoughts, feelings or actions of oneself or others.

Fraternal hug!

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