Rivotril is not a cane, it is the mask of happiness

The pharmaceutical industry earns millions and is one of the segments that invest the most in research, medical events, congresses and everything that involves this universe of human treatments through pharmacology.

In fact, medicines are part of our routine and in some cases are indispensable, especially in cases of serious illness. But do we always have to live at the mercy of these drugs? As with everything in life, balance and care are needed, because even the medicine that treats one symptom can cause another to appear, creating a snowball.

If what leads us to get sick are patterns of harmful habits, what leads us to improve is the correction of such habits or the construction of new habits. This awareness is essential in any treatment. If we don't change our habits, we won't get better.

Today we live with so much information, so much pressure, so much speed that we come to believe that if we can't keep up with all this chaos, we will be run over. But the truth is the opposite! If we follow the chaos, we get into total imbalance and fall into a deep abyss that's scary.

Who is the creator of chaos? It's us! Who can turn chaos into order? We! We have the power to do what we want with our reality and even with the reality of those around us.

Rivotril is not a cane, it is the mask of happiness

People forgot what it is sadness e today everything is depression. Just like there are many people living on automatic and not realizing they have a level of depression, believing they are just discouraged. Depression is not always visible. It can be silent and therefore dangerous.

People have forgotten that pain and suffering are part of our lives, as well as happiness and satisfaction. People have unlearned how to deal with human reality and it is at this moment that the remedies are triggered. When we can't deal with some emotional pain, we look for a cane that is often called RIVOTRIL.

The person has two choices. She continues to take an antidepressant and masks her emotions, believing she is okay and living a controlled life; or she really treats and understand your internal issues and live your totality in a healthy way and free from these ghosts that take your balance.

There is YES depression and there is a need for a remedy, but this should only be considered when the person is delivered! When there is no more desire to get out of bed, when we no longer see any meaning in anything and there is no strength to help ourselves.

A psychologist will always be the best way to deal with emotional issues., as well as complementary therapies. Both, working together, are fantastic! They help us to understand the complexity of our emotions, to face them and prepare us for life in a healthy and REALISTIC.

Rivotril is not a cane, it is the mask of happinessSome psychiatrists have this patient care and make a more thoughtful analysis. They really try to help us emotionally and not just prescribe medicine. So, if you went to a professional who barely spoke to you and already proposed medication, how about seeking a second opinion?

An elderly person, when he is no longer physically able to walk, uses a cane and medication to control the pain. If he pursued healthy habits, physical exercises and physical therapy, he could certainly have a much broader quality of life. But the fact that he can still walk and not feel pain, even if he needs medicine and a cane, is enough for him. They are choices and not judged, but it is notable that he would feel much more independent without the cane.

The remedy for emotional issues is the same and we have to understand that Rivotril is not a cane. It, or any other drug, can be at most a step.

Living a life hiding all our traumas, fears, anxieties, hurts and frustrations in a pill that, if taken, leaves the person with withdrawal and suffering again is not treatment. It's control. And I ask you: Who likes to feel controlled?

Live in freedom it's the best way to live life and the first step towards that is to understand that we all suffer from the loss of someone we love, we all one day lost a job, a partner or a pet that we loved very much. We have all been rejected, mistreated; we already feel a tightness in the chest without knowing why and we have gone through various difficulties.

And why do we feel all this?

Because we are human! A person who does not suffer, who does not cry, who does not show any feeling is considered a sick person. We are delicate and sensitive beings, events naturally affect our emotions.

From the moment we understand that sadness is part of life and that everything is cycles that will constantly be present in our lives, we will be able to live lighter. We will have sad days and happy days. Positive days and negative days. They won't be easy, but they are necessary to maintain balance and learning. And that's where the support of family, friends, a professional comes in. There is always a safe harbor. Find yours!

Rivotril is not a cane, it is the mask of happiness

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If you are in despair with some feeling inside you, believe that there are ways to stop it and that you CAN HAVE A BALANCED LIFE.

We read a lot out there that we can have a happy life and this is the most erroneous claim I've ever seen in my entire life. Life needs to be balanced, because there is no one in the world who is happy all the time. Happy people all the time? You can be sure that she, in her heart, is the personalization of sadness. How many comedians suffer from depression and anxiety or panic attacks?

You are not alone in your feelings. We are all experiencing sadness and joy all the time. That's life! What is important to remember is that if sadness or discouragement is predominant, you can change that and you can count on the support of trained psychologists and therapists to take you out of this abyss and show that everything can be better than it is.

Some people have chemical deficiencies in the body and so the medicine is, in fact, necessary. But many people don't need psychiatric medication to deal with their emotions.

If you can't go looking for help, your level of sadness and discouragement is certainly more intense, but before giving up on life, before giving up on you, look for a psychologist! He will be your best guide in this improvement process. It won't be easy, but he's sure to be your best friend in this inner rescue.

Complement with alternative therapies. Have you ever heard of them? These are natural methods that will make you breathe better, balance your body and give you greater support in the treatment.

Don't become hostage to medicine. If you have to take any medication, use it as a step and not as a cane. That you are in control of the situation and not the medicine.

If you still fulfill your day-to-day obligations, even with all the suffering, then you can take a step and go to a psychologist. Let him direct the best way to organize everything inside you.

And if your psychologist says you need to see a psychiatrist, go! Because he knows your story, knows your reality and will accompany this process so you don't feel helpless. He will look for ways to give you autonomy over your life, putting you ahead of it.

It's no use just taking medicine. He deceives you and doesn't address the real reason for his sadness. It masks your sadness and puts on you a mask of happiness.

Is getting well on medication alone really the best way? If it is not really necessary (and this only a specialized psychologist will be able to analyze), spare yourself this fantasy.

Rivotril is not a cane, it is the mask of happiness

And if you have to take medicine, take it! No problem. But let not only the medicine be responsible for your well being. You need to embrace all the feelings that are there inside of you, the good and the bad. When you can hug them, you reduce doses and gain control over your emotions. This is the psychologist's job and that's why I recommend that this be your first step!

Learn about meditation, music therapy, herbal medicines, physical exercises and, especially, florals. It may seem silly at first, but the potential of these therapies is incredible. And the best part is that they are complementary. You can use them along with any other treatment.

And if you have to increase the dose of something in your life, let it be love. Increase the dose of self-love, love for life, love for happiness and even sadness. We need love our story, respect our suffering as part of who we are. We need to accept that everything we experience is somatized within us and that if all this is not handled with care, it accumulates and one day the body cannot take it and asks for help. This is where panic attacks, depression and anxiety come in.

All crises are nothing more than your body asking for affection, asking for love, asking for care. It's your body asking you to take it easy, because somehow it's overloaded and you haven't been noticing it. So pay attention to your body, look for a psychologist, an integrative therapist, a physical activity. Just don't give up on you!

Rivotril is not a cane, it is the mask of happiness

Don't look for canes as they will limit you. And don't wear masks, as they make it impossible for you to discover the best version of yourself.

You have no idea of ​​the incredible potential for movement that exists within you. When you look for the right way to recover your movements, you will be able to live with lightness and strength to face everything that comes!

You are stronger than you think and more capable than you think!

Today it may not seem like it, but we are all born with the virtue of overcoming. And with you it is no different. Believe it!

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