Ritalin: the drug that threatens the future

Some people live for miracles. Effortless weight loss, for example, is one of them. A balanced diet and physical exercise are a lot of work. Therefore, they see plastic surgery as a quick and easy resource to achieve their goals. But nothing in this life comes for free. Healthy weight loss requires a lot of discipline. This way it takes longer to lose weight, however it is infinitely more consistent.

In this new wave of “miracles” is Ritalin. The drug is widely prescribed for cases of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD). The disorder is a psychiatric disorder caused by changes in the frontal region of the brain, responsible for the inhibition of behavior and attention. ADHD affects 3% to 5% of school-age children, especially boys. Of these, 60% will continue with the disease into adulthood.

A child with the disorder talks excessively, interrupts or talks at the same time as other people, squirms when sitting, and often misses things. Girls have some different symptoms: daydreaming, being "silly" are the differentials of female ADHD. The parents, not knowing what else to do, take the child to the psychiatrist. The diagnosis is complex. Blood tests and X-rays can confirm or exclude illness or injury. If tests show nothing, confirmation of the disorder is done if symptoms begin before age 7 years, have been present for more than 6 months, if the behavior causes relationship problems, and if there is delay in school development.

However, ADHD is trivialized. Many doctors do not have full knowledge of the disease. Because they do not know how to differentiate between a restless child and a child with a psychiatric disorder, they indiscriminately prescribe Ritalin. The drug belongs to the amphetamine group. Ritalin (or methylphenidate), like cocaine, raises the level of dopamine in synapses, active areas between a nerve ending and other neurons. The child is “quiet” as soon as he starts taking the medicine. The parents are relieved and believe the problem is over. But this “quietness” comes at a price. The child's behavior is zombie like. She turns into a robot without any expression and emotion.

We are facing a delicate issue. Pediatrician Maria Aparecida Affonso Moysés says: “We run the risk of carrying out a genocide of the future”. The professional does not indicate the medication for the treatment of ADHD. In addition to zombie like, the child can have insomnia. When he becomes dependent, he faces a withdrawal crisis. The drug, according to the pediatrician affects the endocrine system and interferes with the pituitary. Sex and growth hormones undergo changes. Children tamed on Ritalin grow less and become underweight.

Ritalin is not just prescribed for children with ADHD. The drug fell into the taste of young people. Because it inhibits appetite and is being used by those seeking rapid weight loss. Users feel that they can do several things at the same time. Such excitement leads the fans to take two doses of the medicine before the ballads. They spend all night dancing and jumping.

The intelligence drug?

Ritalin: the drug that threatens the future

Ritalin was discovered by college students, university students and concurseiros. Those who have difficulty reading long texts find the “solution” in drugs. To spend the night studying, many students also use the drug. There are reports of students who took Ritalin for four days in a row along with coffee and energy drinks. Ritalin has earned the nicknames the “intelligence pill” and “the competition drug” for allegedly improving cognitive function. It is not difficult to find the medicine. A quick search on search engines will find suppliers.

Psychology Silmara Batistela, from the Federal University of SĂŁo Paulo (Unifesp) proves that fame is undue. Ritalin does not increase attention, memory or executive functions (ability to plan and execute tasks). Silmara studied 36 healthy young people between the ages of 18 and 30. Volunteers were divided into four groups. The first took a placebo, a drug that was neutral in terms of pharmacological effects, with the aim of inducing or controlling reactions. The others received a single dose of 10 mg, 20 mg or 40 mg of the medication.

After the drug, the volunteers took tests of attention, working and long-term memory, and executive functions. Performance was identical in all groups. The only difference identified was that the group that took the 40 mg dose reported a greater sense of well-being. Research has proven that Ritalin does not improve student performance.

The fight against Ritaliana

Ritalin use by students is very serious. Universities take steps to combat this. The University of Santa Cruz (Unisc), in the city of Santa Cruz do Sul, in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, for example, changed the rules of the public entrance exam. Giana Diesel Sebastiany, pedagogical coordinator of the institution's medical course, reports that candidates can only take medication if they have a prescription. The university also promotes discussions on the use of drugs to improve performance in studies. The concern is not for nothing. Ritalin causes several problems.

The dangers of Ritalin

Using Ritalin to “boost up” the brain is an unfortunate attitude, according to a study carried out by the Federal University of São Paulo. The risks are many. The student who claimed to have taken Ritalin for four days in a row and associated coffee and energy drinks spent this period practically without eating. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for controlling foods, dietary supplements and medicines, and reports the following risks:

  • Hypertension
  • Kidney and liver problems
  • Bouts of insomnia or drowsiness
  • Sudden death
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Glaucoma
  • Decreased attention and cognition
  • Psychotic outbreaks and hallucinations, with risk of suicide

prolonged wakefulness

The drug keeps the person awake longer. However, the user may experience insomnia. Just like any drug, the body gets used to it and asks for more.

more side effects

Anxiety, nervousness, and loss of appetite are drug-related. In patients with Tourette's Syndrome, a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by multiple motor or vocal tics, Ritalin intensifies the symptoms. The drug also worsens the seizures of people who suffer from this problem.

Using drugs to increase performance in studies is an illusion. You stay awake for hours, but it's not productive. Imagine staying up all night, sleeping two hours and taking a four or five hour test. You don't have to be a doctor to know that the result will be disastrous. To be a grade 10 student takes a lot of discipline. Check out our tips to make you a true champion:

  • Beware of procrastination: it will get you in trouble.
  • Know your learning style. Some people learn by reading, others retain content better by listening. Self-knowledge will increase your performance.
  • Organize your study routine with an agenda, so you don't forget the assignment due date or exam dates.
  • Take notes during classes, you fix the content more easily. The teacher can quote things that are not in the books and handouts.
  • Talk to your teacher. Don't be ashamed to look for him and ask your questions.
  • Adopt the color system to classify activities.
  • Have an exclusive place to carry out your activities and store your materials.
  • Know how to balance time. Exams that have tests and writing, you need to dose the time so you don't leave any questions or the essay blank.
  • Don't neglect your health. Exercise, sleep well and eat healthy. You will be willing to study and for everything in your life.

  For the contestants…

  1. Many contestants commit the sin of not reading the contest notice. The material gathers information such as the period and value of the registration, number of vacancies, type of test (multiple choice, right or wrong), discursive, if there will be writing and content of the test.
  2. Preparation has to start in advance. Look for authors about the contents that will be in the test.
  3. Focus on the subjects you have the most difficulty with.
  4. Studying is important, but relaxing is also necessary. Physical activity, cinema and exhibitions air the head and reduce pressure.

To "charge" the brain, healthy eating and sleep 8 hours a day. Students should invest in fisetin, the substance present in tomatoes, spinach, onions, strawberries, kiwis, peaches, grapes, apples, which increases the formation of connection between neurons. Fisetin improves communication between neurons. To make it easier to concentrate, memorize and learn, review your menu.

Conscience. That's what's missing. People need to realize that they are human beings. Humans need to eat and sleep. Good nutrition and rest are important for the perfect functioning of the body. Energy drinks, Ritalin or any artificial attempt to increase performance in studies is an illusion that sooner or later falls apart. Sometimes a person wakes up from the illusion without suffering. Other times, it takes a stint in the hospital to get the individual out of it.

Anyone who needs to use Ritalin to “boost up” their brain is actually a lab rat. Just like rats that are doped to prove the effects of a drug, users of this drug are also at the service of science. Ritalin supporters support studies that the drug suffers. Those who fail to wake up to the dangers and depart for eternal sleep become a model not to be followed.

What do you want to be, a human being who respects your limits or a dishonest, drug-fueled person? Doctors, please be more aware. Gain more knowledge about ADHD. Children are naturally restless. However, this does not make them all carriers of this psychiatric disorder.

Conscience. This is what doctors and practitioners of recreational use of Ritalin lack. Some doctors are unprepared, or they don't want to have a lot of work. Students and young partygoers want to challenge their body's limits and go days without sleep. Conscience. That's what's missing.

  • Text written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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