11 tips to relieve the heat on hot days

When the weather warms up, a lot of people get really distressed. While in the cold, just put on an extra blouse or pants and turn on a heater, it's hot like a fan... So there's that question shrouded in despair: how to relieve the heat? Calm down, as we have prepared 11 tips that will help you with that!

How to get rid of the heat?

Although it is not possible to reduce the temperature outside, we can reduce what we call the thermal sensation. That's why we've prepared some tips that can help you fight the thermal sensation of your body and the environment where you are, to feel less heat and the agony that comes with it. Check them all out!

1 – Increase air circulation

Even if the night is very hot, the temperature outside will certainly be cooler than your body temperature. So, if possible and safe, let the air circulate. Open windows and, if you have one, turn on the fan so that air circulates faster, bringing more relief.

2 – Moisten towels

Moistening towels and spreading them around the house is a great way to freshen up the rooms and the house as a whole. This is because, when it evaporates, the cold water from the towel that you have moistened helps to lower the temperature of the room, making it more pleasant, and the temperature, less hot.

3 – Fan and frozen water bottles

Also known as improvised or homemade air conditioning, this tip is great for very hot days. Just place a bowl of water or water bottles in the freezer and then place them in front of a fan. That way, the fan will take a, let's say, cold wind towards you.

4 – Use light colored curtains

Curtains, oddly enough, are great allies against the heat. If you invest in curtains made of light and natural fabric, in addition to light colors, as they emit less heat, they will be able to block the entry of sunlight and increase the thermal sensation at home. Preventing excessive sunlight is a great way to lower the ambient temperature.

5 – Sleep on the floor

11 tips to relieve the heat on hot days
Spectral-Design / Shutterstock

You probably had a physics teacher who said that warm air always rises, while cold air descends. So the closer you are to the ground, the lower the temperature. So if you're really hot, sacrifice some mattress comfort and sleep on the floor for relief!

6 – Wear light clothes

Allowing the body to “breathe” is key to regulating your body temperature, because sweat is what it does. That is why it is essential, on hot days, to wear light and light clothes, without synthetic fabrics, which do not allow perspiration. Silk, linen, wool and cotton are always the best options for these days.

7 – Use cold compresses

A great way to lower your body temperature is to cool your wrists, forehead, and back of your neck. You can do this by washing these parts of the body under cold water, but if you are going to be standing still for a while and are really suffering from the heat, moisten cloths and leave them on these parts of the body, making a cold compress.

8 – Have plants at home

11 tips to relieve the heat on hot days
rawpixel.com / Freepik

Spreading plants around the house is a great way to cool the room by lowering the temperature. Whether concentrating the vases in a room or spreading them around the house, you can reduce the thermal sensation of all environments. If you want to focus on species that greatly reduce the temperature, buy Saint George's sword, fern, boa, ficus, dracaena and anthurium.

9 – Do not use incandescent light bulbs

Using LED bulbs can actually lower the ambient temperature in your home. This is because incandescent light bulbs not only use more energy, but also produce more heat in the environment. Therefore, especially in the warmer seasons, opt for LED models.

10 – Put your sheet in the freezer (yes)

It will sound absurd, but it really works: put your bed sheets inside the freezer or freezer! This will make them cooler and will lower their body temperature overnight, helping them to relax. Just be sure not to leave them there for more than 10 minutes and also insulate them in bags to avoid smells.

11 – Unplug appliances during the day

11 tips to relieve the heat on hot days
Stock-Asso / Shutterstock

Did you know that electronic devices emit heat even when they are turned off? On days with mild temperatures, this doesn't make much difference, but in a fierce heat, it will help a lot. In addition, using a fan and air conditioning, it is common for the energy bill to increase, so this tactic already combats that, too!

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Anyway, dealing with the heat is not easy and requires some tricks to lower the body temperature, but it is entirely possible to feel relief from the high thermal sensation. Use some of the tips we have indicated and you will certainly feel great relief on days when the heat becomes really unbearable and desperate.

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