Respect for the Environment

A few years ago, I decided to do my part, as much as possible, to avoid polluting and mistreating nature even more, nor degrading the environment.

I do this not only for myself, but for everyone who inhabits this land and for those who are to come and who are not at all responsible for the legacy we are leaving.

I use metal and bamboo straws, wooden cutlery, reusable cup and bamboo toothbrush. All the items are always in my bag, my super kit, and I use them wherever I go.

Also on my daily list are the use of hygiene, cleaning and cosmetic materials that are produced in an organic and artisanal way, without animal cruelty and, if possible, as less polluting and harmful as possible to the environment.

However, two items continued to bother me: plastic shopping bags and garbage bags.

Respect for the Environment

Reusable bags or bags I've been using for a long time, a custom passed on by my mother, who made them out of canvas, bags or floral fabrics.

I am referring to plastic bags and single-use plastic wrap.

An estimated 4 trillion plastic bags are used worldwide each year!

In the US, 1 trillion is used a day without recycling that goes straight to the oceans!

Only 1% of these bags are recycled, and plastic films are not! Help!

Even worse, most Spanish states do not recycle materials, especially plastic.

Respect for the Environment

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Some supermarkets are starting to use new packaging for vegetables and fruits, but the closure remains with plastic wrap. (single use).

Even though I live in a condominium where all the garbage is separated and delivered for recycling, including batteries and used oil, these bags bother me.

So, remembering my mother, I decided to make my own bags for fruits and vegetables, and use them at fairs and markets.

I made some in different sizes and widths, the material is Tulle, low cost, easy to wash and carry, and doesn't add volume to the bag. The closure is with a string.

And it worked out great! They are making the biggest hit wherever I go!

People ask me how I did it, they find the idea super practical and are willing to use it too.

For the trash cans at home, I'm using a template made from newspaper, which I copied from the internet.

I try to use as little plastic as possible and I am immensely happy when I see news of new materials being researched and used in order to minimize the use of plastic and its damage to nature.

Making changes takes a bit of work, but it's extremely rewarding when you realize the good you're doing for the entire planet.

Respect for the Environment

We all urgently need to think more about the collective, about the good of all, because only then will we be able to save this wonderful world we live in and that we received as a gift when we arrived here.

Animals of various species are being found dead with a huge amount of plastic in their stomachs, apart from suffocation!

Oceans, rivers, forests are full of waste that does not decompose or took hundreds of years to disappear.

Enjoying Nature as if it were a lease: returning the property in the same impeccable condition as when we entered.

So how about we leave this big "immobile" called Earth, Nature or Environment exactly the same as what we received?

It's possible! Everyone just do their part!

For more articles by the author, visit: What do you want to be when you grow up

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