Reprogramming tool that transforms base limitations

    Hi, guys!

    Almost another cycle ending (2017) and a lot of people truly wanting to make room for the new, to the joy, because he realized that he can only improve even if it starts from his own individuality in resonance with like-minded people.

    Then, I remembered an important piece of information, because it comes as a different and cool opportunity for what I said above. I need to let you know, especially those who have been with me and haven't gone through a certain type of Balance, Core Belief Balance (system-specific procedure or technique known as PSYCH-K®).

    O Central Belief Balance it has the purpose of reprogramming, resignifying or transforming the patterns of limiting beliefs that you carry from birth and that end up "directing" your entire life. These patterns can be the result of memories of pain/trauma in general and of the culture itself, both from the ancestors and from your own experiences throughout life and that were strongly recorded in your cellular memory, in your subconscious and that are influencing your walk. in a restrictive and repetitive manner.

    When we held this particular session, we worked to discover and transform 13 pairs of core beliefs that are not congruent (i.e., not consistent, not consistent) and that may be blocking and preventing you from achieving your desired goals in life.

    Balance includes 13 pairs of belief statements that represent basic and vital issues such as self-love, forgiveness, connecting with divine intelligence, worthiness, personal power, and more. This session is performed only once, unless the person's system determines that it needs to be performed at another time in their lifetime.

    Reprogramming tool that transforms base limitations

    In addition, it dispenses with the use of goal setting, as in other PSYCH-K® Balances. HOWEVER, it CAN also be used to work on a specific goal of interest, if that is the case. Anyway, I find it really interesting and important to emphasize about the work to release base beliefs for broad change in a short period of time. And that's what Core Belief Balance is also about.

    As it happens

    The meeting lasts one hour. The person is lying on a stretcher, belly up, with their clothes on (and they can take off their shoes if they prefer). I make a point of emphasizing that you will be fully aware from the beginning to the end of the session (which occurs in all applications of the PSCYH-K® tools).

    For the release of base limitations we start with the process of discovering limiting beliefs. Then we move on to the change process. Still in the sequence, we carry out the ecological check, to relate and release any resistance present in various parts of the body. This often yields valuable insights into the nature of the changes taking place in the session. In this stage we work arms, legs and head.

    And finally, we consult the person's system, which is that part referring to innate wisdom, to know if the Integration Activity is indicated (to do at home), in order to accelerate the integration of the achieved balance. And then?

    Then we celebrate!

    It's important to be in gratitude even before you see changes through life experiences to come!

    I wish all readers and collaborators of the Eu Sem Fronteiras website a receptive end of the year to all the nobility and wisdom expressed from our hearts!

    Hugs and thanks a lot!

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