The time is for cooperation

    Beloved, the times of competition are late! I even wrote about it (Competition X Collaboration), if my memory serves me right, at the end of 2017. At that time, the information already came with some insistence, because the year 2018 would be the beginning of a new humanity based on a new energy platform, that is, the beginning of a Novo Tempo, where one of the principles is the cooperation.

    It is natural that humanity lived and developed walking on the basis of competition, as the Earth has always been a school of consciousness, that is, a school where incarnate Spirits needed to learn to create.

    The time is for cooperation

    Create with conscience, but always subject to individual free will and under the Laws of Action and Reaction.

    I like to compare Earth School to Kindergarten. As in the Infantile School, the Spirits incarnated in human form began the first steps within this evolutionary spiral. They learned to “live together” in communities, having to accept the differences between them. They learned to create means of survival, even if on the basis of competition. Often, in order to defend, it was necessary to attack first.


    This whole process of learning and survival as a species has always been under the tutelage of the creative consciousness, however, like the child in Kindergarten, man has grown and needs to move to an immediate higher level. So, it's time for the transition. We are prepared to climb levels above this level of learning.

    As we evolve, our powers expand according to each one's ability to understand.

    The time is for cooperationBased on this, around 1950, the last period comprising a century began, which we can compare with the end of the school year in an elementary school. It's time for evaluation and grades.

    Some selfless Angelic Guides have told us on several occasions over the past few years, “You are finishing learning at this level of consciousness. As students at the end of their course, they still need to deliver some work, make some recoveries, clean the drawers and say goodbye to colleagues who did not pass”.

    So, we need to move on. We must not get stuck in things and situations that still need to be polished. As we have an understanding of reality, we must move to higher realities. As in a ladder, climb the next rung.

    And on this ladder of evolution, the competition rungs were all below where we are now. From now on, we will be stepping on bases where the cooperation and the password.

    Our creative consciousness is ready. It will certainly take some time for us to get used to it, especially to believe in its incredible ability to create new realities.

    I have already mentioned here, in previous texts, about the be careful what we think. Thought creates faster and faster. The sincere desire for something will bring out exactly the object of desire. The day will come when this will be instantaneous: he thought, materialized.

    Many of us still don't achieve the goals, not because their consciousness still doesn't create, but because they still don't believe. It's no use just wanting, you have to understand how this is becoming real and believe. Naturally! Soon it will be as natural as breathing.

    The time is for cooperationSo, while we are working and experiencing these new “capabilities”, it is necessary to unite with each other. Not only to exchange experiences and gain confidence, but to strengthen and achieve the first goals to be achieved. Remember that we are still crossing the bridge that connects the old and new Earth. Many are the news and we are still confused, although euphoric.


    No more childish arguments and unnecessary fights! All awakened ones desire the same goals. Just know this. What differs is the way of expressing this desire. Cooperate without confronting, or cooperating without competing, is the best way to get across this congested bridge as quickly as possible. As long as we do not cross that bridge, we are still subject to the attacks of those who have not been approved to go forward. Turns out they don't want to lose us. They got used to living at the expense of our energies. As vampires, they know that they will no longer have our blood to feed their energies.

    The time is for cooperation

    Each awakened consciousness has a creative power compared to unawakened consciousnesses.

    In this way, I reinforce here once again the commitment to pray for España, because the energy emanating here, reverberates throughout the Planet. Let's go on, all who can and remember, at 18 pm, every day, send good energies or prayers to España. This energy will make our homeland the source of light that will illuminate the entire Earth.

    We are on the threshold of the new dawn… Of a new day that will come with a new glow: PURE CRYSTALLINE LIGHT!

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