Reminder: You don't save anyone's life but your own.

    Reminder: You don't save anyone's life but your own.

    How many times have you thought about being able to save someone's life?

    That's a feeling most people have, and it's happened to me too. We think we can change someone, or worse, we think that, by canceling our life, we will be making someone happy by helping them mentally and emotionally.

    Salvation is and always will be individual. There's no way we can put on someone's shoes to walk their paths. This is an illusion of the one who thinks he is doing this.

    We can, indeed, lovingly guide people so that they walk a lighter path, but the choice is individual, it needs to come from the person who receives help. And guess what? Not always the person we are trying to help wants to get out of that situation. There is often a trade-off or benefit to being in that comfort zone.

    Meanwhile, if we don't take care of ourselves, our emotional, mental and spiritual will wither until we can no longer react in the face of such a situation. And believe me, when this happens, those who experience it feel that it is practically impossible to get out of it.

    Also remember:

    When something hurts you very much and the fact that you have reached out has already passed the limits, learn the time to follow your path. Often walking away, ending cycles to start taking care of yourself is the best choice to make at the moment. It doesn't matter who it is; often these people can be a family member, a friend or even an affective relationship, such as boyfriends or spouses. We can walk away from people who hurt us, regardless of who they are and how long these relationships are. Unfortunately things like that in our society are still taboo, but you can break it inside you with love and lightness. And everything is fine!

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    Want to save someone? Save yourself.

    Take care of yourself, seek to do good things and feed on what builds your pillars (emotional, mental, spiritual and physical).

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