Do you know Heart Healing®?

Heart Healing® is a Healing Energy. By accessing this channel, your energy starts to vibrate according to the nature of life in its original state. Health and balance are simple consequences. The body receives pure and original energetic information, the cells regenerate from this. The mind contacts higher consciousness, opening, expansion and understanding take place. The body's energy connects with the source and new capacities are developed.

Everything we know is made up of energy, whether it's a book, a person, a word or a thought, all are variations of energy density.

How Humans Work

It all starts when we receive an energy. The energy body identifies and reacts, causing a change in the vibrational pattern. This alteration is noticed and soon the mind accesses the memory files and carries out a search. After this vast and rapid search, the brain presents the results to the mind, which is now ready to carry out a thought.

Once the thought happens, energy is produced that works as an order for the physical body, which releases hormones to alter its functioning to conform to the new reality that has been established by the mind.

If, when receiving an energy, the result in the mind is a bad or sad thought, the body will produce this same result in matter, becoming sick and weak.

How does Heart Healing® work?

Heart Healing® is a Healing Energy channel that acts directly in this broad process mentioned above. Healing takes place simultaneously and intertwined, triggering reactions in all parts that make up the human being, whether they are the physical, mental, emotional, energetic or spiritual body.

Now we can understand the power and dimension of Heart Healing® Energy acting in different sectors of life, building each step forward from a wide set of factors that involve the evolution of an individual.

It seems quite complex and it really is, however, the practice is much simpler. Remember, Heart Healing® works by altering the initial information from the nature of life, and we are all nature, evolution is already happening.

Do you know Heart Healing®?

What results to expect

We can see the results of Heart Healing® in the physical body, when pain and illness quickly recede and health returns. Usually in 4 or 5 sessions the organism is already restructured. In Heart Healing® Healing Therapies Courses the effects are potentiated and wonderful healings can take place.

The way of thinking gradually changes, new references and answers come to the mind and an increase in awareness takes place. Heart Healing® Healing Wisdom courses are great opportunities to access higher consciousness and reframe thoughts and memories.

The energetic vibration pattern of the organism becomes bigger and better, the energetic body is potentiated in its capacities with each new opportunity of contact with this Healing Energy.

The results can be seen in different sectors of human life. Evolutions in thought, sensation, emotion, the physical body, the individual energy and the perception and spiritual connection of each being happen in a perfect synchrony of the universe with life.

How do I receive and learn about Heart Healing®?

There are still few therapists with the knowledge to propagate Heart Healing® Energy. Participate in one of our courses and start the service and guidance in your city yourself.

All Heart Healing® Courses are taught by their creators throughout the national territory.

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