Relaxation exercises for better sleep

With the rush of everyday life, many people have trouble getting to sleep and recharging their energies, either because of the difficulty of disconnecting from stress, or because of worries about what is to come.

Some people often recommend medication as an extra sleep aid, but they can be harmful to your health.

Studies prove that the quality of tasks during the day is directly related to a good night's sleep. If you don't rest, your mood gets worse, your concentration fails and your performance follows the same line.

If you suffer from this problem, here are some exercises that can change your quality of life:

EXERCISE 1 - Sit on the floor, cross your legs and place your elbows on your knees. Close your eyes and try to breathe calmly for 5 minutes.

EXERCISE 2 - Stay in the same position, let your torso fall forward and stay still for a few seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement 4 times.

EXERCISE 3 - Do not change position. Stretch your fingers and try to reach your toes (flexibility to reach the extremity is not critical. Don't push). Remember to breathe calmly.

EXERCISE 4 - Finally, sit on a pillow and massage the soles of your feet. Do this for 5 minutes on each foot to achieve total relaxation.

Relaxation exercises for better sleep

  • Learn to breathe: It is essential to achieve relaxation after exercise and before bed.
  • Calm place: the environment to relax needs to be quiet and without noise.
  • Music power: soft music can enhance relaxation. It is holy medicine.
  • Slow: try to relax, and perform all movements slowly. After all, the purpose of all this is to reassure sleep.

Everything is deeply connected to the energy you carry, and bringing trouble to bedtime doesn't do you any good. As you have seen, with just a few minutes you can change the quality of your sleep and your day. Do the test!

Text written by Marcela Cappato of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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