Reflections on the duality of life

    The tribulations of everyday life make it difficult for us to find moments of reflection about our lives. We are by essence Spirit, however we fix our attention primarily on the body, since it is easy to perceive. This view, almost exclusively for material life, takes us away from what is eternal and, therefore, more important: the Spirit. There is no way to dissociate these two elements that complete each other throughout our lives. In John 6:63, we have: “It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing; the words that I say to you are spirit and life”, corroborating our assertion. Only after disincarnation is the spirit freed and, being immortal, it follows its path in another dimension until it has a new opportunity to return to a new corporeal life.

    It would be unfair on our part to understand that God, the Supreme Intelligence, gave us a single life and after death everything ended… How to explain the Divine justice when those who practiced evil incessantly would have the same right and end as those who gave themselves in the practice of good, abdicating their personal interests in fulfillment of the teachings of Jesus? What then would be the criteria for some to benefit and others not? If so, would God be just? In the light of reason, these questions have already been answered…

    Reflections on the duality of life

    Referring to man, the writer Rodolfo Calligaris states in the book “As Leis Morais”, Cap. 28: “It is true, yes, that its moral progress is far below the fabulous intellectual progress that it reached, and that is why a science without conscience prevails in our days, making use, not a few, of its cultural acquisitions, only to do evil.”

    When it comes to moral uplift, we must pay attention to the principles that should guide our conduct, so that the Spirit reaches high levels. Among them, the practice of indulgence, forgiveness, love and charity.

    In the book “The Gospel According to Spiritism”, Cap. VI, item 5, we find: “(…) Spiritists, love one another, here is the first teaching; instruct you, here is the second. All truths are found in Christianity, the errors that are rooted in it are of human origin, and behold, from beyond the grave, what you believe emptiness, voices cry out to you: Brothers! Nothing perishes. Jesus Christ is the conqueror of evil, be the conquerors of wickedness!”, “(…) Pray and believe! For death is the resurrection and life is the chosen test during which your cultivated virtues must grow and develop, like the cedar.”

    By the Law of Progress we must follow the ethical-moral precepts, necessary pillars for our life in society. When we experience brotherhood among brothers, we will be on the path of Light left by Christ, so that we do not deviate from the course of our evolutionary path… The shortest distance between an objective and its realization is the first step. 

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