Rescuing our humanity in the face of the coronavirus pandemic

Most of us are experiencing a pandemic moment for the first time, like the current one we are witnessing, and this has messed with many of our values ​​and habits.
Humanity is frightened and disoriented in the face of something new and frightening, which is the spread of the coronavirus, however, like everything that happens and marks our life, many possibilities for reassessment and even renewal can arise, this will depend on how we react to this moment. .

The scenario in which the coronavirus emerged

In a world where human action has had a devastating effect on Nature, the environment, animal life and even human health, this virus emerged and, metaphorically, stopped the destructive effect of human beings.

Rescuing our humanity in the face of the coronavirus pandemic

With the arrival of this pandemic, humanity is being induced to slow down and even stop, even without wanting to. And now what will you do in the face of this stop?

A break can be a moment to analyze what is not going well, is unbalanced and needs to be reformulated.

Humanity has not done anything to avoid the worst… then a global event like this appears to stop the human being.

Stop to preserve yourself and also to perceive yourself

Thus, each of us is being driven, by circumstances, to slow down… As an example of what is happening in many countries that are in quarantine to prevent the coronavirus from spreading further. As a result, there has been a reduction in pollution, excess waste and consumerism.

There are countries in which quarantine has not been decreed, but prevention measures are already beginning to emerge, such as avoiding leaving the house. With this, people are realizing the importance and weight of individual collaboration in this precautionary mobilization against this disease.

reality shock

In this context, solidarity has been awakened to reduce the damage of this pandemic, to put more attention to health and collective cooperation to prevent the proliferation of this infection. However, one more lesson can be learned from this: that this pandemic is making human beings wake up from indifference, arrogance, selfishness, excess competition, fierce materialism and dispersion.

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What learning each human being will learn from this moment will mark the course of our existence.

fundamental questions

There are several questions for reflection at this point:

  • Is it necessary to consume so much?
  • Am I taking care of and respecting my body?
  • Do I respect animal life and see how my habits interfere, to the point of harming and even causing the death of animals?
  • I see that my choices contribute to inequality, prejudice and to empower those who want to manipulate and dominate others
  • Do I accept the limitations of my neighbor, without judging him?
  • Do I contribute with my actions to a better world and seek to simplify life?
  • Do I promote the balance of the planet, with my lifestyle?

These are some of the questions that we can ask ourselves at this moment, as they are related to the imbalances that humanity is causing to its existence and to life on our planet, as a whole. And that can reduce many of the problems we are experiencing.

pause for reflection

May we take advantage of this pause that is necessary in the current moment we are living to pay more attention to what is essential and vital in our life and promote our balance and lucidity and even our regeneration.

The more conscious, balanced and lucid individuals, the better for life on our planet and for dealing with this phase we are living.

Rescuing our humanity in the face of the coronavirus pandemic

In addition to preventive measures, let's take care of our emotional state

We need not only measures to prevent the spread of this virus, but also serenity, focus and observation to deal wisely with this challenge and extract learning and growth from it.

We cannot control certain events, but we can modulate our reactions to them. Let's do our part to reduce the damage of this pandemic and come out of it all better, no matter how challenging it is!

Take care of yourself and you will be adding to the care of the collective!

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