Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

What if you lost everything you've achieved so far and were left with nothing? This is what happens every year, in autumn, with each of the trees. Leaves that have grown and developed for months are quickly lost. Branches, few foliage and twisted trunks remain.

Autumn can be understood as a season that brings destruction and loss. But these two concepts are not necessarily negative. The Indian goddess Kali, for example, is a figure who promotes destruction and then rebuilds everything that has been lost.

The season of the year characterized by fallen leaves is, in this sense, an opportunity to change what was defined and start over. Fresh starts don't have to be reserved for the start of a new year. The arrival of autumn is also an opportunity to grow and evolve.

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

In addition, autumn can be interpreted as a period of transition between the heat of summer and the cold of winter. It is when nature is reorganizing itself to receive different conditions of climate, temperature and growth. What can this teach us?

Even if the trees abruptly shed their leaves, summer still needs more time to recover. The transition from the past to the future needs a present with understanding, patience and respect. You have to respect your own time to adapt to the new and to accept looking at the branches and not seeing the leaves on each one of them.

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

Autumn can be an inspiration to incorporate changes in the most varied situations in your life. Below you will find a series of reflections on situations you may be dealing with. Take a deep breath, prepare some tea and open your mind!

1) Moving house

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

Like birds, who need to build their nests in more protected places when the trees are without leaves, moving house can be a solution.

Moving house is not always a pleasant process. There are many items to pack and to buy, in addition to redefining the address for businesses and family members. However, it is a change that can come for the better: new energies in the environment and a new place to put down roots.

2) Change of job

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

As difficult as it is to leave the house on cloudy and cold days, these moments are essential for the blue days to return. The challenges of a new job always lead to something better.

If you're starting a new job, don't be afraid to ask questions, point out your weaknesses, and learn from it. The moments that seem hazy will lead you to the stage where everything will be lit and radiant.

3) Beginning of a relationship

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

The leaves of a tree only appear after a long period of growth. Living with another person is preparing the branches to receive the fruits when they are ripe.

Starting life with someone else is a period of discovery and struggle. Often, when faced with different ways of seeing the world and of thinking, we end up feeling distant from the other person. But this is what should bring us together: the harmony of difference.

4) End of a relationship

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

Losing all the leaves overnight is necessary for new ones to grow. The end of a relationship is just the beginning of a new life.

When a relationship ends, we feel that nothing will be like before or that we have lost everything we took so long to conquerโ€ฆ The truth is that we can always rebuild and recreate ourselves, with or without a person by our side. Take the opportunity to strengthen yourself.

5) Arrival of children

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

The arrival of autumn marks the transition between the life that was before and the life that will be. With children, the future is always an exciting surprise.

A child always changes a person's life. It is an event that requires preparation, care and a lot of love. It's time to embody motherhood or fatherhood in the person you've always been and create stronger and stronger branches to always support your children.

6) Preparations for a trip

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

Surrendering to the unknown brings learning. This is what we can see with leaves that grow stronger after the seeds have strengthened in autumn.

If a trip is getting closer and closer, keep in mind that you need to undress everything you've seen before. Take the opportunity to live this experience freely and responsibly, allowing the wind to flow through your thoughts and body.

7) New friendships

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

Letting go of the past is what allows us to move towards the future. Alongside new friends, it's even easier.

Building new friendships can be a challenge, especially for introverted people. However, this is an essential process to bring new flowers into your life, with the certainty that the branches will be firm and strong to receive all the news.

8) New studies

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

When everything seems dark and gray, knowledge is what will let you know that in the future flowers will reappear.

Dedicating oneself to studies is a life project, it is what stimulates knowledge about different ways of thinking, living and acting, it is what frees a person from ignorance and what allows him to see beyond. Just because the day is gray doesn't mean the sun will never appear again.

9) Discovery of a skill

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

It is not possible to know the essence of a tree when it is covered with flowers. It's in the fall that we know how things really are.

We often don't allow ourselves to explore our abilities. We care about maintaining what we've already built, refusing any kind of change. Autumn should inspire you to innovate and renew so that you investigate what is inside you, but has not yet been discovered.

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10) Process of self-knowledge

Reflections on Autumn. a changing station

Knowing who we are requires us to free ourselves from everything that adorns us, but that does not truly represent us. Let your flowers fall and change.

A process of self-knowledge will always give some kind of pain and detachment. You have to let go of the past after being confronted by it. You have to hope that new flowers will come and that they can be even better than before.

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