It is impossible to be happy alone?

    Valentine's day coming up and a lot of people wondering where your other half of the orange is, the lid of your pan or the icing on your cake. But, contrary to what many say (even Tom Jobim's music) it is possible to be happy alone! And very happy!

    Being alone is not synonymous with being lonely and unhappy. Happiness is within you, don't assign it as a task to someone else. We were raised by a generation that values ​​the family and the traditional life cycle. People are born, people grow up, meet someone, have children and die. Being single is seen by older people as an exception and consequence, not an option.

    Did you know that being single is good for your health? In a study published by the Journal Marriage and Family in 2006, it was proven that being alone is good for the heart. The research followed 9 adults for 8 years and heart disease was lower among those who had not been married. In addition, scientists have found that those who have never been married exercise more per week and are more concerned about their physical and mental well-being.

    It is impossible to be happy alone?In Psychology, moments of solitude mediate the transition from the past to a new beginning. Therefore, choosing to be alone in some moments of life is not an attitude considered harmful. Good loneliness is felt as a need to be alone, bad loneliness as an impossibility of being alone.

    This doesn't mean that those who chose a relationship (healthy, of course) are unhappy. Understand that, as stated at the beginning, happiness is about being good with yourself and not relationship status. Sharing life and experiences with someone is a maximum, but being happy without depending on anyone and living life as you prefer is also a maximum!

    Understand that having someone in your life or being alone is a matter of choice. You don't NEED someone, you just WANT to have someone. And as the old saying goes: "Don't find someone who completes you, find someone who overflows you". Be self-sufficient, everything that comes after is to add.

    On this Valentine's Day, celebrate YOUR happiness!

    Author: Camila Caproni. 

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